Chapter 45, 46

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Chapter 45

(Nonnie’s POV)

“Pete turn off the damn light,” I said pulling the blanket over my head, “And what is that beeping, I’ve got a killer…” I heard a few snickers and I moved the blanket to look around the room. The walls were all white and sterile. I was hooked up to a heart monitor and the lights were hurting my eyes. Pete sat next to me on the bed and Callie and Travis were starring at me with worry on their faces. Everyone else’s face was the same. “Oh uh…”

“What are you all doing in here?” a nurse said coming into the room. “Everyone out now,” she said shoeing them all out. I grabbed hold of Pete’s hand as he got up to leave.

“He can stay right?”

“Maybe he can come back after the doctor looks over you.” She said and then it was me alone in a hospital room, a shiver ran though me. I hate hospitals, and doctors. I wanted to get out of here.

“Well Miss, McCoy, How are we feeling?” I looked at him like he was crazy.

“How do you think I feel?” I wanted my friends.

“Well if I were psychic I’d tell you.” He said matching my sarcasm. I smiled not many doctors would have been sarcastic back.

“My head hurts like hell, and is it possible to turn off some of these lights. When can I get out of here?”

“One thing at a time,” he then did a full exam making sure that everything was okay. I was by now fully aware of what had happened to get me here, and I was pissed. More at myself that at the person who did it, I should have been paying closer attention to my surroundings. Finally he left saying that he would let my friends back in, but only one at a time. I rolled my eyes. “If I let them all back they will be too loud,”

“Okay then just let back Callie first,” he nodded and left the room. Two minutes later Travis came into the room. “I told him to let Callie back first,”

“I know but she let me take her spot.” He leaned over and hugged me gently, like I was made of glass. “You scared the hell out of me Non,”

“Please tell me you didn’t call Mom,” he got this look that told me he had. “Travis” I whined.

“Well you were in the hospital unconscious.” He said, he sat down in the chair next to the bed. “You should have seen Pete’s face. He was really worried about you,” I looked at my hands. “I told you to look out for yourself,” he said but in a way that I knew that he wasn’t trying to be mean. “I shouldn’t have let you…”

“Uh Travis, 18 year old here. Yeah I was going to do what I wanted anyways.”

“Yeah I know. I’m gonna go get Callie now okay,” he said he kissed my forehead and left the room. Not a minute later Callie came into the room and hugged me.

“Don’t you ever make me worry about you like that again,” I just laughed.

“Yeah I did this on purpose.” I scooted over for her to sit next to me on the bed. “Callie I have to break it off with Pete.”

“What!” she yelled.

“Hey concussion, terrible headache ring a bell?” I said holding my head.

“Sorry, just… Why?”

“Cause I can’t handle this, I thought I could, I mean with the blog and the autographs, the pictures I was fine until now. This it was one of his fans.”

“Non there are ways to get…”

“No, it’s… what happens at the end of the tour he asked me to go to LA with him.”

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