Chapter 7

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*Sophie's pov*

I hurriedly got changed into my clothes that were hanging on my door. My head was spinning so fast, I was so excited for what was yet to come! Before I went out of my room I quickly checked myself in the mirror.

My makeup hadn't smudged however my eyes were a tiny bit red from when I was crying.

Oh well..

I grabbed my black handbag and made my way back into the living room, where Danny was still seated on the sofa, nervously scratching the back of his head. He hadn't seen me coming so when I said "You ready to go?" He looked a little surprised before quickly standing up and smiling. "Of course"

There was then a silence between us as he glanced at my outfit. I could feel myself blush a little.. I bet his ex MODEL girlfriend didn't dress like this. Luckily by Danny's expression I could tell that he approved. "Am I too casual?" I asked as I grabbed my keys from the jar on my coffee table and put them in my bag.

Danny's face softened as he said in his gentle Bolton accent "No.. You're perfect.." He then bit his lip and blushed a little. "I mean.. You, you LOOK perfect" This was followed by another one of his adorable smiles. I nervously grinned and said "Thanks Danny! You don't look too bad yourself" What I really wanted to say was "You look bloody incredible, like a god" but.. Somehow I think that would make him feel a little uncomfortable.. Just a little..

As for his outfit, he was wearing tight blue jeans and a white tshirt. His outfit was so simplistic, yet I couldn't imagine anything looking more perfect on him. On his feet he was wearing red vans and on his wrists were a few bracelets.

I didn't get MUCH time to admire him as I didn't want to frighten him away on our first date, but I was pretty sure... Almost certain, that I could see his abs through his top.

Holllllyyy Shit.

I snapped back into reality as Danny said in a slightly cheekier tone "I only look not TOO bad?!" And he quickly winked at me. I hit his arm playfully "Eh, you're alright" I teased. I could tell that he was enjoying it as he said "Hey! You're harsh!" That was then followed by him tickling my waist again. I squealed "Danny stop you know I'm ticklish from when you tickled me last night!!" He then shrugged and said "I know, I remember things like that and enjoy using them for revenge later on" and he winked again.

The way he said that truly made him sound like some kind of evil mastermind and I couldn't help but giggle helplessly like a little girl.

I wish I didn't act this way around boys.. Well to be perfectly honest I've never been this shy and giggly around a boy before, there's just something about Danny, he had a certain spark in his personality that was contagious.

He noticed me laughing and said in a quiet yet satisfied tone of voice "Making a girl laugh is always a good start!" I raised my eyebrows at him, confused- and I was just about to ask him what exactly he meant by that but he cut me off by opening the door for me and saying "Eh, don't worry Sophie, you'll see..."

I'll.. I'll see? I'll see what?

As we walked out of the flats I was bursting to know where this 'wonderful picnic' would take place. Danny led me to a car which I assumed was his, and I asked "Are we driving there then?" He unlocked his car and said "No, as it's a decent day and the park isn't too far from here I thought we could walk?" And he pulled a giant picnic basket out of his boot, smiling mischievously at me as I gawped at the size of it. " Do you mind walking?" He asked me sweetly as he locked his car and walked towards me.

I shook my head and he said "Ah good, besides we can work up our appetite for later.. We have a LOT of food to ear Soph"

My insides continued to melt as he called me that.

How I was going to get through today without literally collapsing at how perfect he was I don't know.

I knew the way to the park he was taking me too, it was just down the road from my block of flats. It was a nice park with a small field and some benches, however on nice days it was usually heaved. I was a little worried that it would ruin the setting a little bit, but then again.

What did I know about romance?

I figured it was best to keep my mouth zipped and let Danny do all the talking.

As we walked along the pavement side by side, I was sure that I kept catching Danny glancing over at me. I tried my absolute hardest to remain relaxed, or to at least look like I was, but every time I felt his eyes on me, adrenalin pulsed through my veins, it was uncontrollable. We made small conversation on the way to the park, I had a feeling that Danny wanted us to be side by side settled in the park before we talked about anything more. When we eventually arrived at the park after about 10 minutes of walking, I was right. The park was pretty crowded, but I didn't let myself show my slight disappointment to him after he had been so incredibly thoughtful about this date. "Shall we set up camp here?" I asked him. He then gave me another one of his utterly adorable smiles and said "No, we aren't sitting in THIS part of the park" I shrugged as he continued to walk on, through the park and behind a bunch of trees. "Ooh you're mysterious" I laughed, wondering how much his arms hurt after carrying that massive basket. " I think you like it" Danny said, as he continued walking. After about 5 minutes of walking we reached a place that I never even knew existed until now!

"Woah" I gasped, looking at the huge field before me. "Yup!" Danny smiled, as he placed down the picnic basket and immediately took out a blanket before spreading it carefully across the well cut grass. He sat himself down on it and patted the spot next to him. I went and placed myself nervously next to Danny, I had never sat this close to him before-our shoulders were practically touching. "Like this place eh?" He asked cutely. I nodded happily and said "I just can't believe you know about this place!" He smiled and edged a tad closer to me as he said -almost in a whisper- "Well, there's a lot you don't know about me Sophie"

In that one moment that he said that, he suddenly became part of a different person. It was like ever since I'd met him I had gotten to know the flirty funny sensitive guy, but now there was something else that was so mysteriously beautiful about him. And in that moment, our eyes properly connected. His blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, they were alive, and looking straight into mine. He literally had me hypnotised.

I was sure in that moment his lips would lock with mine..

But I was wrong.

His face edged closer to mine, yet all of a sudden he sat back a little and said with a tinge of guilt in his voice "Shall we eat then?"

*Dannys pov*

When my eyes fell on hers, everything kind of fell into place. I even found myself leaning in for the kiss, but at the last minute I told myself that I was moving too fast.

The LAST thing I wanted was for her to be put off.

I laid out all the food that I prepared. Ok, so I'll admit that when I said goodbye to her yesterday I MAY have made a detour to the shops and I MAY have bought loads of food.. I was just so desperate for today to be perfect, and I still strongly felt that way. We feasted on the food for at least an hour, talking in between about all sorts of stuff. I even made her laugh, which was surprising as I was so nervous. I guess I just covered it up pretty well.

After the savoury food, I brought out the chocolate coated strawberries.

I was trying to be romantic, ok?

When Sophie saw them her face lit up with excitement, and seeing her happy like that made me happy. I offered her a strawberry and she gladly took it, however the chocolate on hers hadn't completely cooled- I made some last night and in the stress of fearing there wasn't enough I made more this morning, so the chocolate on some didn't get enough time in the fridge. She giggled and before I knew it she had leant forward and wiped the chocolate on my nose! I laughed and grabbed a strawberry, doing the same to her. We were both in fits by then, laughing uncontrollably. I took another strawberry and moved closer to her, saying "Open wide" She opened her mouth immediately and you know what I was thinking as her lips moved closer towards the strawberry?

At least SOMETHING had the honour of touching her soft lips..

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