Chapter 12

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Me and Danny stood there a little awkwardly for a while as Lauren just kind of hovered next to me, but she soon got the message and started frantically arranging little wooden jewellery boxes I had crafted a few days ago. Danny glanced over to them, and then took a minute to glance around the rest of the shop. Shelves were filled with handmade necklaces, earrings, bracelets, little hanging hearts, even natural body products. "This is seriously amazing, well done Soph" he said with a big grin, his gaze averting back to me all of a sudden. I felt my cheeks burning in the process. "Thanks, Lauren does it too though and I couldn't do it without her" I half mumbled. Danny then went a little red and gave Lauren an apologetic smile. "Oh no of course I meant her too!" He said, thinking he'd offended me.

I didn't know why I felt so awkward.. I think it's because I've never talked to Danny in front of someone I know let alone my best friend.

He then frowned for a little while but suddenly said "Oh yeah, I almost forgot the thing I came in to actually ask you about!" My heart then did a double take as I tried to casually say "Oh yeah" but it didn't really work and came out kind of high pitched. He then bit his lip- I don't know whether he was intending on doing it but damn it was hot. He shook his head quickly and said "Right, uh.. Are you doing anything this evening.. When you finish work for the day?"

He seemed so relieved to have finally got the question off of his chest, bless him. I smiled and said "No, no I don't actually. I finish work at 5 though" Danny then grinned and said "Ok, would you maybe uh, want to get a coffee with me at 5, considering Costa is literally opposite this lovely shop of yours?" Although it was only getting a costa with him I felt so happy, and my mood immediately boosted. "I'd love to! Although I can't promise that I won't spill it down you again" and I let out a small laugh, still frowning at the thought of how stupid I was to do that. Danny then let out an adorable chuckle and placed his tattooed hand on the desk in front of me (which I just wanted to reach out and grab).
"I guess if that happens again we will just have to keep going out for coffee until you learn how to hold a coffee cup properly!" And he winked at me, before looking at his slick black watch and saying "Right I better get to this band meeting.. See you later then?" He then started to lean in a bit but suddenly became well aware of the fact Lauren was in the same room so he gently hugged me instead. "Bye girls!" He said cheerfully and left the shop, leaving the distant scent of his aftershave behind him, the same one he wore on our first d
ate out together. After he was well out of sight I found myself staring at the door, as if the countdown till 5pm had already begun. Lauren gigged "You're soooo smitten Sophie!" I laughed but didn't bother denying anything, this man was one of a kind.

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