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You've GOT to be shitting me right now...

Anna stood in front of the worn down yellow bus. A blank look on her face. She didn't outwardly complain or make a rude comment as she would within her friend group. No, never, not while her father was around. She wouldn't dare disrespect him like that. Not with all he's done for her. 

Sighing softly she turned her head to the large, bald, bearded man beside her she called 'Pa'. He looked back at her with his green eyes and forced himself to smile. He wasn't happy with the quality either, but what could they do? This was all they could afford in their current state. 

She reassured herself it was better than nothing.

" It'll pan out, you'll see, Birdie. " Said Pa softly as the bus doors swung open. They revealed a shady looking elderly man with one hook for a hand. He cringed slightly, but was quiet. " Make the most of it, okay? " 

" I'll try Pa, I'll try. " She smiled back at him and took a deep breath. Picking up her duffel bags and swinging her baseball bat over her shoulder, Anna climbed up the steps of the bus and took a seat in the very back. It didn't matter where she sat anyways. No one else besides her and the weird old dude were on it. 

Her father waved at her as the bus began to leave. She waved vigorously back, giving him a hopeful smile. She decided then to make the most of whatever hell was about to go into. If not for her sake, for her Dads. And if anything? It would be a break from the life she was stuck in now. Only for two months, but that's still something, right?

Leaning back and putting her headphones in Anna closed her eyes. Some obscure 2000's bop playing loudly in her ears. A soft smile covering her face as she drifted off into a fantasy land for the 3 hour drive. She had no idea where this 'Lake Lilac' was and she didn't care. It was a long ass drive away from her trashy hometown and that was all she needed to know.

All to soon the bus came to a screeching halt. Groaning and sitting up she rubbed her eyes before looking out the window. She scoffed at what she saw. A faded sign that looked more like the words 'Camp Camp' than the infamous 'Camp Campbell'. This place was a real dump, but hey, whatever. 

" Get th' hell off m' bus. " Shouted the Quartermaster at her from the front. Pulling her headphones off and shoving her phone into her hoodie pocket Anna obeyed. Grabbing her belongings and making her way tot he front she glared at the old man. Then bumped harshly into him and smirked  as she got off the bus. That old fuck wasn't gonna push her around. 

Quartermaster growled at her and turned away. Closing the doors to go park the bus. Normally he would give them a what for, but this was a new kid. They'd learn their place soon enough.

" HIYA! Welcome to Camp Campbell! " a red headed man in a tacky uniform said enthusiastically. Anna cringed and rolled her eyes. 

" Thanks buddy, who the fuck are ya? " she asked. A bored expression crossing her face. " Thought this was Music Camp. " the brunette mumbled.

" Language please, miss! " David chuckled nervously as dark grey eyes bored holes into him. " This is a variety of different camps all combined into one! We service various campers and their camps here! " 

Christ, this was gonna be a shit show.


N/A: Hey! this is SLB!!! Sorry this chapter is so damn short! But it's just the beginning! I promise, my goal is to make all chapters from here on out at least 1,000 - 1,500 words long!

and now proof reading or spell check. We write and post instantly like MEN- 

anyways!! Hope you enjoyed the beginning somewhat! Comment your thoughts below!

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