Chapter 4

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On the way to the nurses office I was wondering what would I do if I wouldn't be able to go home. I made it to the nurses office I sat down and Mrs.laurel said "what would be the problem today?" I waited till she shot me a look then I said "Um, stomach hurts" she said "you're stomach hurts? Unusual because every buddy's stomach hurts this week,is there some kind of flu or disease going around?" I didn't even know what to say so i just said "I don't know Miss" Mrs.Laurel said "it's Mrs.laurel to you Amanda" I was waiting for her to find my name in the files and call my mom but today must be slow today. Then she went to her desk and looked through all the files and finally found my name,it usually takes her awhile because my last name was Ryan. Then she said "Amanda Ryan that's you right?" "Correct" I said. I was wondering why she didn't take my temperature and ask me questions about the pain I felt but I just wanted to go home. She started to talk to my mom on the phone then she ended the call. Mrs. laurel said "you're mom is on her way" I was so thankful that I was about to go home. I waited and waited for her to come.

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