Time For Problems

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On the drive back home I couldn't stop blabbering about Baekhyun to my friend Annie

. " And did you know He even kissed me , that was the best kiss ever seriously!!! " I exclaim

out of breath. " Yeah I know you told me about 23 times , anyways what's so special about this boy

named ' Baekhyun ' ?" She asks . " Well..... He's super cute adorable sweet kind charming and he likes me " I respond giggling. The rest of the night we just played together and told a each other secrets. Then

finally at 9:52 P.M Annie's mom came to pick her up. We said our good byes and hoped to see each other at school. When Annie left my mom told me to go to bed ,but seriously I couldn't all I could hear is my dad

yelling I think at my brother . Something like " Are you ok?!" And " Hurry up !!" . I hoped he was ok . And then I heard my dad scream. And then my mom went to go check on them and then she screamed.

Moms POV

When I went to my bedroom I heard my husband yelling at our son like " Are you Ok?! " and " Hurry up!! " . I

was scared , I hoped our son was ok. Then I heard my husband scream a kinda of manly scream yet still girly .

I was so terrified I just had to go up there and see what's going on. I rushed out of bed and up the stairs into the bathroom to see my husband being strangled by my SON!! I pulled as hard as I can to get my son off of him . It took me 5 minutes until suddenly he lets go , shakes, and then falls to the ground. I was so out of breath I didn't

know what to do. I pulled them both to their rooms to lie down , then I called 911. They immediately

arrived and took both of them , My husband to a hospital and my son to a Mental hospital . I was kinda hoping my daughter wouldn't get out of bed which she didn't.

Avery's POV

I heard my mom yelling at my brother to stop and then five minutes later everything was quiet .

I heard her talking to someone on the phone and then a few minutes later people came over to the

house. I quickly got out of bed and snooped around to see what was going on and I saw police and

ambulances outside and the police and doctors taking my dad and JAY!!! I was about to run out

of my room and say good bye but, then I decided to stay in my room.

I was so sad yet tired , I cried myself to sleep.

The next Morning

Avery's POV

I woke up drooling everywhere , I turned my pillow over so no one would see. I blinked a few times

to see my mom.

" I glad your awake , now go get ready I uhh, have work early " she says sounding guilty. " Where's "

" No time to chat just go get ready heheheheh" she says cutting me off. She slowly starts sweating. I walk to the bathroom and I go to use it , but before I do I see puke in the toilet 😷 I nearly gag. I flush it and use

some scented spray to cover the disgusting smell. I start brushing my teeth and then taking a shower, ugh no shampoo ! I just use the conditioner and once I'm done taking a shower I could still smell the puke !! I

guess the spray didn't work. I run out of the bathroom down the stairs and pass the kitchen but, before

I walk in I hear my mom talking to someone on the phone and I know I shouldn't be snooping but , "

Are my boys going to be ok?! " " They are uhh still recovering , but your husband should stay at the hospital 5 weeks , your son is very calm but, he is asking us what happened. Do you know what caused him to do this mam ? " " I really don't know it was like he was possessed , really he was fine all day , I'm really sorry officer " " It's ok "

I start tearing up and I run into my room. Now this is the worst day ever. 😭 I start getting ready

for school yet still crying . Once I'm done I hear my mom ask " Are you done Honey ?" I wipe my tears away and respond " Yeah"

She walks in asks ,me why was I crying, she looked really concerned . I didn't want to make her stressed even more so I just responded. " No reason , I'm fine. " " ok "

Hope you. Enjoyed this long Chapter

I worked really hard on it

Thank you

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Me and my twisted brother and a love story forWhere stories live. Discover now