George, the Antisocial Trash Fish

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His name was George. He was this long yellow swimmy sea-horsey thing with an earpiece, except it was not the cool kind like headphones or the buds the FBI agents always wear. When I saw it, I recoiled, internally (to not be rude), because it was super gross.

George was a weirdo. His single earthly treasure was a discarded pink plastic-stick cotton swab that was probably once involved in pleasurably cleaning out someone's ear.

Aside from the very nature of his earpiece though, it was kind of cute to see seahorse Georgie with it because he held it with his tail, curling it daintily around the stick.

When I scuba-dove the other day and saw the little scalawag, I nearly resisted physics and threw up into my oxygen tank because George and his stick from the sewage came too close to me. I jumped backwards, however much you can jump backwards underwater. I got away from him as fast as possible, even though I thought he was beautiful.

I have several things to say about George. Firstly, by the way humans aversely reacted to George and his beloved earpiece, you can make a guess that the reason he carried it around was to be antisocial.

Secondly, George didn't really have a need to be antisocial. There were not a lot of his kind, or any kind, anywhere near him. Maybe he was just paranoid.

Thirdly, he would've looked cuter had he not appeared to be so possessive. I mean, come on. There were plenty of cotton swabs in the sea. I saw them.

I dunno.

Probably, he didn't know why he has that earpiece either. Likeable as he is, George was a mindless fellow.

I know we probably won't ever know, because, miracle of miracles, I found George a couple hours later, floating dead in a plastic bag. The swab was beside of him too. The poor thing. I would've taken them both and given them a burial on land, but I still wasn't sure about the sanitary condition of the earpiece.

When I returned to land, some people said I should've gotten the bag out. Then I wouldn't have had to touch the swab.

So I dove back into the ocean that very day, except, I couldn't find the bag I wanted.

What could I say?

There were plenty of plastic bags in the sea.

George, the Antisocial Trash FishWhere stories live. Discover now