Story ONE

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Once upon a time, in a land far far away. Well, actually it wasn't a land. This story takes place in space. Let's try again.

Once upon a time. In space. There was a man, and his beloved dog. And this man was rowing in his boat, through the rippling waves of space. How is this possible, might you ask? Well, this isn't just any space he's rowing his boat through. This is the space that contains the ripples of time and existence itself. This is the space that contains the threads of the past, present and future, all tangling and untangle, intermingling with every breath. It is the man's job to keep the threads moving, to move through this mess he calls space. Ironically, there's actually very little space, since it's all filled with threads.

Now the man, he is no ordinary man. No ordinary man would be able to get into this place anyways, c'mon let's be realistic. No, this is a man who has been rowing for a long time, searching for something he lost (sucks to have lost something in time itself). This man is not hungry nor  thirsty, for he is only driven by his need. His need to find what he's missing. 

See the problem here is that he actually forgot what he's missing, which is why he's been here for so long. But that's alright, because he has his trusty dog with him.

This dog (who was a sweet golden dog)is the only normal being in this story. He loves his master wholeheartedly, and even if he's not entirely sure why he's in a boat that's not in water, he's happy in his masters' company. 

So here we are, with a little backstory and a lot of fourth walls being broken, so let the story begin.

Once upon a time, there was a man rowing a boat with his dog. He was rowing through endless possibilities, millions of timelines that had been forgotten. He was rowing through history and future alike. Unbeknownst to him, his rowing was tangling up the threads of fate, severing some from their destinies, and giving others new possibilities. 

The man kept on rowing, and his dog sat, watching. In this foreign place, time flows very differently. Sometimes it's hard for the old man to keep track of what's important.

But then, there in the distance, the old man felt something. He knew what he was looking for was very close to him. It was calling out to him. 

As he rowed closer, he could see something beneath the endless threads. A figure. A person. A child. The child was tangled in threads, unable to get free. 

Her sweet face, pale face. It looked so serene, one could never guess the pain she faced. 

The old man shook his head. They were lifetimes apart, yet she was right there. 

"Sweet child, it's time you return," he whispered to her. 

The little girl opened her eyes. Bright, hopeful eyes. 

"Am I dead?" She asked him.

His eyes welled with tears. He sadly shook his head. 

"You must return," he said. 

The girl, still floating amidst the threads began to sob. The noise echoed through this vast space, the sounds of raw sorrow, her tears falling into the darkness. 

"It hurts," She whispered. 

The old man dipped his hand into the threads and pulled out a new one. He then cut all the threads that tied her down, and pulled her into the boat. 

Tears still streaming down her cheeks, she looked down and stroked the dog.

He handed her a thread.

"What is this?" She asked, holding the thread.

"This, this is a new beginning."

He took the thread and tied it to her wrist.

"You will be much happier. I promise."


The world was bright. Very bright. And there were people, people staring at her.

As her eyes focused, they were all wearing uniforms.

"It's okay, you're safe," A female officer said. 

She touched her face, to find that it was muddy and streaked with tears. Her cheek was tender, and her arm felt unusually sore. 

As the officers led her to their car, she thought she glimpsed an old man with a dog walking down the street. He smiled at her, and she thought of her dream, and thousands of photo albums with a similar man. She recalled photos of him as a proud dad, a happy husband, a dying man. Someone who died before she was born, a grandfather she never got to meet.

She felt tears streaming down once more.

"It's over now. Your father has been arrested for child abuse. You're safe." Said the officer.


Explanation: A grandfather, with his dog, was dead. He was wandering around in the threads of time, looking for his granddaughter. He knew she was being abused, and he wanted to help her. He wanted to save her. He cut away all her threads that restrained her, the ones that made her powerless. He handed her a new future. 

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