6: A Simpleton

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Shisui : jang jang jang jang !!

Yuki gasped " where did you get it ?!! Limited edition chocolate fudge sauce specially perfect for mushrooms !! "

Shisui : firstly. I want a switch of shift.

Yuki : dang it... You want the morning shift... For the entire week for the festival.

Shisui : hai. ( Yes )

Yuki : everyone's been trying to bribe me all week. Why me...

Shisui : because you're the only anbu easy to bribe with food.

Itachi ; you're mean.

Yuki: see. Someone agrees.

Shisui: I purposely went all the way to get this for you. Even specially took a break.

Itachi : he lied. He dropped by on the way. Planned to bribe you with it when time comes.

Shisui ; hey !! You're my cousin. Betraying me like that. Who's closer to you ?

Yuki : mmm.... Night shift.... Festival... Mushrooms.... Mmm...

Kakashi comes over and chops her head " don't think so much over just food. Your brain will explode."

Shisui : kakashi senpai.

Itachi ; kakashi senpai.

Yuki : kakashi. What shift are you taking next week ?

Kakashi: day.

Her eyes lighten up " take the night shift for me ! "

Kakashi: no. I'm not letting you have my bribe for your sake. Oh... It's those tasty chocolate you like . Must be hard to get. Unlike the frequent festivals konoha has.

She saddens " ok... Deal. " She shakes hands with shisui and takes the packet. Her eyes light up " hehe !!! Chocolate mushrooms!! " She leaves to go stash her packet.

Shisui: arigato. (Thank you ) kakashi senpai.

Kakashi: Yuki can be such a simpleton sometimes.

Itachi: actually... Yuki senpai is really strong isn't it ? Why doesn't she become a taichou ?

Kakashi: impossible. Impossible. She never thinks of these kind of things. She's a simpleton when comes to these things. She's a nerd to seals. She's loyal to seals. She won't even try anything else new even when hokage-sama asked her to. Stubbornly nerdy.

Itachi and shisui laughed " very Yuki."

Kakashi: this is our Yuki. A simpleton for mushrooms and loyal to seals.

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