Chapter Twenty-One

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Al dropped to his knees with a silent gasp. The pain was overwhelming. 


She had remembered. 

She had really got him this time. Had it gone through the heart? He looked down again. He thought it missed, but not by much. More in pain by the betrayal than the dagger he looked at Evee in disbelief. "Evee, why?" She ignored the question. "You're so weak Alcinous. You let your guard down. We must always be vigilant, to do the righteous work. I'm afraid you must die for your sins." 

What? This made no sense. 

Evee didn't talk this way, since when did she care about his sins or weakness? Evee was no saint herself, she would never judge anyone else. She loves me, why would she, why would she... 

The realization dawned on him like a falling branch, this was not Evee.

 "Skinchanger!" he spat.

Lucifys smiled. "Good took you long enough. Not only are you weak, but stupid as well." He suddenly thought of Evee. "Evee! Where is she?" Lucifys waved his hand in a bored manner. "Who knows. Probably still outside like the simpering pup that she is. She is beneath my notice." He yawned. "Evee!" yelled Al. In a moment she pushed through doors in alarm.

She looked at her doppelganger is confusion for a moment. Quickly taking in the situation with her warrior mind she yelled: "Drop!" Al dropped down. They had resupplied and traded with the caravan that saved them. Including more weapons and ammunition. Including the shotgun she was holding. Lucifys only looked at her curiously. With a cacophonous boom that shook the church Lucify's neck erupted in a spray of blue blood. 

Al rolled away and made it over to Evee. The skinchanger transformed into his true form and hissed at them, his four mandibles opening to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth. Evee fired off more shots, most of them missing as Lucifys dashed to the side. She managed to graze him in the leg with the last shell. Al had managed to pull out the knife but he was bleeding profusely. 

While she was reloading the skinchanger lept at her with a roar. Al was on him in an instant tackling him to the ground. His claws were out and he and Lucifys were slashing at each other. Once she had a clear shot she jammed in a single shell and shot the skinchanger in the back. Yelling in fury Lucifys launched a sharpened tendril straight through her shoulder, throwing her against the wall. Seeing Evee get hurt, Al screamed in anger and began to transform. His Bahamian skin turned jet black and the red arcane markings erupted all along his skin. Jagged black horns grew out his head. He breathed fire at the skinchanger. Lucifys seemed unsurprised and lifted up a pew in front of himself to shield him from the flames. With the attack deflected he threw it Dark Al and it sent him flying into the well.

"See I told you! You have such power within you! Cast off your weak human attachments and embrace the righteousness within! Purge this filthy world and bring new salvation to this planet! I can show you! It's not too late!" said Lucifys. Al cast off the pew and ran at him in a rage. With increased speed and power, Dark Al seemed to have the upper hand as he pummeled the skinchanger. Launching an onslaught of blue sharpened tentacles, Lucifys pinned Dark Al to the wall. 

"Stop resisting! Why won't you listen? Do you think you're the only one who was witnessed pain, who has gone through suffering? I once loved as well! Ages ago, I fell in love with someone. I knew I shouldn't have but I went ahead and did it anyway. I was younger and more foolish. Yes, I fell in love, we married and even had a child! I never told her what I was for fear that it would ruin everything. For a while everything was good, and I deluded myself as being happy. However, on his first name day, he changed. He had been blessed with my power and they had begun to show. But that was when my true love betrayed me!"

"When I told her my true nature she screamed she hated me! That I was an abomination! A work of the devil! She thrust me through with the very same golden dagger I stabbed you with. She tried to kill me, and very well near succeeded! She told the others and they overwhelmed me. I couldn't save her, my daughter, my precious little daughter! They killed her! They killed her and they burned her body! Through no fault of her own they murdered her! My precious little girl!"

"And my one true love betrayed me! Told me she hated me, tried to kill me, forsook me! Then she took her own life, ashamed to have loved and procreated with a monster. So you see, humans are filth, and deserve to die! There is only hate and corruption in their hearts. We are not so different you and I. For we are sons of Osiris, the Nephim. As you are, I once was. I was once a vampyrus too but slowly transformed into my new form as my powers grew. That is the way of power, it totally encompasses and transforms you. That is how I was able to turn you into a vampyrus because that original blood still ran in me. I am your true father. Who better to destroy mankind than one who was originally human but was turned into a demon? I shall continue to grow and transform until I become a god. Then in my righteousness I will bring salvation to the world by the eradication of all humans."

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