Chapter Three: Wildfire

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(Y/N) = Your Name

"LET US THROUGH," pressed Margaery Tyrell tried to push past the guards but it was no use. They were staying put. Lorace, with his bleeding forehead, gave a fearful gaze to his sister. The siblings had a look in their eyes. A look of pure terror. Why you may ask ?

Today was Cersei Lannister's trial, for all the crimes held against her. People knew that she was guilty. It was all but confirmed. However, today Margaery despite her success of "the master plan" felt uneasy today. She had a feeling like something was going to go terribly wrong for her.

And something did. Once Margaery finally realized Cersei wasn't going to show up she knew it was all over. She wanted to faint. To flee or just wake up her bed knowing this was a nightmare. But alas it wasn't to be.

However, something odd happened. A rainbow light shined and a tall muscular (S/C) man stood holding some sort of axe or warhammer.

Next thing she knows he grabs her and her brother before teleporting out.


Margaery opened her eyes to find herself in a cabin. She looked to her right and saw her brother bleeding from the forehead. She instantly went to him. Hearing heavy footsteps she looked above to see the man towering over her. Margaery couldn't help but shake in fear.

"There is food to last days in here...medicine and tools....weapons and the like...STAY HERE, or there will be trouble," he said in a menacing tone.

With that, the man lifted his Battle axe in the air and a rainbow esque hue appeared around him. In a flash he was gone.

'what in the gods,' she thought as she couldn't help but stay in her crumpled position next to her brother.


Cersei sat watching the Sept of Baelor alight with green flames. She was happy. She was proud. This was only the beginning of her reign.


Cersei turned around and nearly fell to her knees in shock. Standing there, was the one man she prayed for, she cried for, she begged for.

"Cersei Lannister...I'm disappointed in you," he said walking around her.

Cersei, composed her self and regained her signature sneer and eyebrow raise.

"Alot of people are," she retorts.

"But i'm not alot of people."

Cersei rolls her eyes before sipping out of her wine glass.

"You know i'm disappointed in you too...the vultures came and they bite and snapped at us," Cersei growled. "One of the people i thought could protect me...didn't to say the least."

"I'm sorry for that...i was in a coma because my friend , a man you oh so innocently condemned to death,died that day."

Cersei tisked at me but nevertheless was quiet.

"Look Cersei....i love you," he said causing her to look at him fiercely.

"But you have to change your act...because this woman who slaughters innocents and uses people as not someone i'd want to be with," he finished.

With that he raised Stormbreaker in the air and a rainbow hue was casted over him. With a flash...he was gone.

And left an even angrier Cersei behind.

Back at Winterfell (Y/N) arrived from the BiFrost. He landed with his hammer and walked. People stopped to stare at this king. This hero. He was godly. Power practically radiated from this man. He demanded respect and honor.

(Y/N) walked to a star struck Sansa.

"Was i gone long ?," he said breathing heavily.

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