Oh Captain, My Captain

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Belladonna 32

Oh Captain, My Captain

1 September 1994

"Ana! Sadie!"

It was pandemonium on the platform; Ana loved it! Friends were reuniting, some for the first time since the start of summer. First years and Muggle-borns were stumbling around in a daze. And Ana had the perfect spot on the platform to watch for Fred.

Since the World Cup, Ana found herself thinking about Fred a lot. Not that she wasn't thinking about him before, he was always on her mind, she was just better at holding him back. But since coming face-to-back-of-head, Ana just couldn't push him aside anymore. She was determined to speak to him this year, even if all she said was 'sorry.'

She told Sadie, however, that they were standing there to watch for the Carrows. Hestia walked through the barrier, spotted them immediately, and walked over. Flora walked through behind her, spotted them, and then walked off to search for Bole.

"Hey, Hes!" Ana greeted with a hug. "What's up with Flora?"

"She's been foul all summer. Mum caught her and Lucian practically shagging, so she cut her off. Wouldn't let her see him all summer! It was brilliant; best summer ever," Hestia replied gleefully.

"She and Bole were... eww!" Ana scrunched up her nose.

"Well, he is rather fit," Sadie replied.

"Eh, he's not really my type." Hestia shrugged, then she winked at Ana while Sadie was distracted. "I love your hair, Ana. When did you cut it?"

"A few weeks ago; Sadie..."

"Dumbledore made you Prefect?" Sadie cut across Ana.

"Uh—yeah, but I'm not sure why," Hestia said. "Here, do you want it?" She took the badge off and tried to hand it over.

"No! I mean, yes of course I do! Who wouldn't?"

"I wouldn't."

"Me neither."

"But you can't just hand it off to someone like that," Sadie continued, ignoring Ana and Hestia.

"Why not? You clearly want it more than I do."

"Because...Dumbledore saw fit to give it to you over me. I...trust his decision."

There was silence between the three of them before Hestia said, "That was really hard for you wasn't it?"

"Ugh! Incredibly so!"

"Are you sure you don't want to just take it then?"

Sadie gave her a look that said she'd love nothing more, but she couldn't do it.

"No; I'll just prove to him that he was wrong to do so."

"Bugger! I was really hoping you'd take it."

"Stop trying to tempt me."

"Hey, look at it this way, Hes," Ana began. "You got it and Flora didn't."

"I know!" Hestia exclaimed. "She wouldn't talk to me for a week because of it!"

"Well then, should we board the train now?" Sadie asked. "The platform's starting to clear out."

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