Goodnight Sally

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His footsteps echoed throughout the prison. The deep blue of his uniform causing inmates to snarl and hiss. His eyes wandered to each of them; a warning hidden behind the false kindness. His namebadge shinning in the light of the cell he stopped at.

Jason looked into the cage, the prison bars blocking him from seeing the whole view of the girl hidden in the corner.

"Hey," He muttered softly; a hand against the bars "How've you been doing?"

The woman looked up, her face hitting the light that was being emitted from the dim lamp. Long black hair covered her face but if you looked close enough you could see the soft glow of her icey blue eyes.

"Not much to do around here huh?" Jason asked with a sympathetic tone lacing his voice.

A dry laugh came from the girl. Jason couldn't help but think back to what her old laughs sounded like. Joyful giggles and playful chuckles. The sounds swarmed his head in a fury of repeats and loops, only to be broken out of trance by the woman's words.

"It would be a more amusing experience if I had a friend. "

Jason sighed as if a child had asked him for the tenth time if he wanted to play. He looked pass the curtain of hair and straight into her eyes.

"You know I can't do that. You're a high risk. We can't have others being dragged into your business."

She slowly stood up, unravelling a tall and lanky form to face Jason. Fury filled her eyes as she scoffed at him.

"You don't still believe that do you?! That's just lies they tell you so that you can keep going back to them! They are just some...some PIGS THAT HAVE YOU WRAPPED AROUND THEIR FINGER!" She yelled, the fire that had been cracking now bursting.

Jason looked up at her in disbelief." You are not only offending me in that sentence but also all of my co-workers. So I would appreciate if you would change your tone and respect your superiors." His voice laced with venom.

"Yea," The woman let out another laugh, once again with no emotion attached "Respect, where has that gotten me anywhere. I used to treat everything on this damn planet with respect and look where that got me! In Appleton Wisconsin's largest and most prestigious law firm with a cop that likes small talk!"

Jason look at her in disgust, any likeable feature he used to think about daily washed away by the overwhelming feeling of hatred.

"How can you even say that you respected this planet after everything that you did to hurt its inhabitants! You damn witches are always messing around in business that you shouldn't be!" He yelled at her, the loathing and sorrow releasing in his words.

"You really do believe it. It's not true. I would never hurt anyone."

"That's what they all say." Jason took a final look at her,

"Goodnight Sally."

~{Goodnight Sally} ~ a #writewithZo storyWhere stories live. Discover now