Chapter 4

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I don't even like you, why do you wanna go and make me feel this way?


After waking up and smelling the breakfast, my stomach began to growl. The food smelled so amazing. I stood up and walked towards the smell of the breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen, "Ashton?" I asked.

"Yeah! I'm in here. Hey. Wait a minute. You're not supposed to be up!" He exclaimed looking over at me.

"What?" I asked as I walked in confused.

"I was going to bring the breakfast to you.." Ashton said with a tint to his cheeks.

"Oh. I'm sorry?" I asked, unsure of how to respond.

"Oh well." The smiled returning to his face, as I took a seat at his kitchen table.

"Whatcha making?" I asked curiously.

"Pancakes!" He told me excitedly.

"Ooo yum!" I loved pancakes, especially chocolate chip ones.

"Yep. I hope you like chocolate chip pancakes!" He told me, returning his attention to the stove.

I explained to him how they were my favourite and he was estactic, it seemed. I had also realized that it was then that I had, had thag perfect night sleep that I had been searching for. The one goodnigt sleep that I hadn't had in years. After he finished cooking, he took a seat next to me and we made our plates he told me a bunch about himself, he seemed like a pretty decent guy and everything but then I realized why I had moved here in the first place.

To not get close to anybody and to be alone for a little while.

I helped with the dishes and I was on my way. I explained to Ashton I had some more packing to take care of and he understood so I left.

I couldn't go back over there for a while. I couldn't, especially if I wanted to stick with why I had moved here.

I finished unpacking and was quite pleased with the way everything looked. A few hours later when I was getting ready for bed I heard the drums start up again.

He has got to stop with those damn drums.

Once again I stormed over there, knowing what to expect I wasn't surprised when Ashton opened the door.

"Hey!" He told me smiling like a little kid on Christmas. Why?

"Do you mind keeping the drumming down a little bit please?" I asked him wanting to get back to bed.

"Huh? Oh yeah sure. Did you wanna come in or anything?" He asked opening the door for me to come in.

"No. Not tonight sorry. I'm really tired and just wanna get some sleep." I told him honestly. Plus I didn't think it would be a good thing to stay the night again.

"Oh. Alright. Yeah I'll keep the drums down. Sorry." He said smiling, but his smile seemed sort of sad.

"Thanks." I said as I began to walk away.

"Yeah.." I heard him mutter, when i turned away. Then he muttered something else but I wasn't able to make out what he had said so I just kept walking back home.


Its been about three weeks since I've been in Austrilia and every night, I hear the drums going again. So every night I see Ashton, and ask him not to play so loud. I've managed to enroll at an online school and I've got a job at the Starbucks they have here.

Every time I go over to Ashton's I ask him to not play as loudly and he happily agrees but the next night it's the same as before. It is getting very annoying, each time more than the night before.

But, for the most part I have been able to do what I came for. Some peace and quiet, besides the obnoxious drumming from next door.


"Welcome to Starbucks how can I help you?" I said as I looked up from the register to be met with a pair of peircing eyes.

"I didn't know you worked here!" Ashtom exclaimed as I recognized him.

"I do!" I said trying to keep the smile on my face and keep the job enviornment a happy place.

"Awesome!" He was still really the only 'friend' I had met since moving here. It was nice to see a familiar face at work.

"What can I get you?" I asked him, smiling while waiting to take his order.

He placed his order and I rang it up and he paid.

"So are you busy tonight?" He asked me, since there was nobody else in line at the moment.

"Uh. No. I'm just going home after I get off of work at about 7." I said looking at the clock. It was about 4 now.

"Well if you feel up to it, my band and I are playing at The Mars Hill Cafe tonight at 8."

Ashton told me, smiling.

I thought about it. Did I really want to go see them tonight? I see Ashton every night. Telling him to keep the drumming down.

"Yeah maybe. Are you guys any good?" I asked smirking.

"Nah. We're terrible. But I'd still love it, if you came." He told me with that goofy grin of his. His dimples showing, and who could resisit that? Oh I can!

"Okay. I'll try to make it." I gave in smiling back. I couldn't resist the dimples.

"Great! I'll see you tonight then." Ashton said smiling as he moved so the person behind him could order.

"See ya later Kaylia." He said waving goodbye with his oder in hand. He walked out and I took the next order, the rest of the time a smile never left my face.


Why can't he leave me be?

Why can't I just be alone for a little while?

Damn drummers.

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