House of Wolves

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I don't own Destiny or Naruto.

Hinata couldn't believe what she was hearing... the reef... in ruins?

She looked over to Sasuke who was preparing their ship for their departure. Ino and Sakura were doing the same. Ino had a smaller lilac colored ship, and Sakura had a larger red one. Naruto, Shikamaru, and Gaara were all prepping their own ships as well. "Are you alright Hinata?" Sasuke asked and she frowned as she pulled her eyes from her friends. "I'm worried about Ashura... Petra said she took off." She whispered and he offered her a hand and she took it gently. "How would it make you feel if our first assignment was to find her and bring her back safe?" He asked and she nodded slightly.

Hinata knew the woman was reckless and erratic, but she also knew it was usually within reason. However, the circumstances here were beyond reason for Ashura. "Why do you like her so much anyways?" He asked curiously and Hinata fiddled with her fingers. "She reminds me of Hanabi... in a way." she whispered and he watched her in confusion. "How so?" he asked and she smiled. "I see that... fire in her eyes... the determination and dedication..." She started with a smile, but then the sadness flowed in. "The bravery even when she is deathly afraid. Everything about her feels like my sister, and I know she is troubled. I want to help her." She said and he nodded.

"That's understandable, Hinata." Sakura chirped and Hinata looked over at her. "If anything, I thought she was kinda broody at first, but also her personality felt like my own. I can tell she is scared, and she needs a little help. After all she is part of our clan, and our clan sticks together." Sakura said and Hinata nodded with a smile. "So, are you all ready? Because someone told Naruto that we were going to go show some huge Fallen what for, and now he is rushing the rest of us." Ino said with a laugh, causing Hinata and Sasuke to peer over to Naruto's bright orange ship and shake their heads. He was tapping his foot impatiently with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I'd say we are." Shikamaru sighed as he slung a rifle over his shoulder and made his way into his own ship. "Alright, waiting on your instructions, Clan leader." Ino chirped and Hinata blinked at her oddly. "Uh... move out?" she asked and everyone nodded and entered their ships. Once they all sat in their seats, images of the vanguard leaders appearing on their screens. "We want you all to be careful, judging from what Petra has shown us, things are bad. We are lucky you all returned from your patrols when you did or we would have had to serve another team." Zavala said and they nodded. "However, seeing as the situation is going to need it... Please inform Ashura that she will be the emissary for the tower while she dwells in the reef. We need their help as much as they need ours, so tread carefully." Zavala ordered and they nodded.

Hinata stared out the window of the ship, the bright lights of the stars flying past in a blur due to the speed at which they were travelling. Sasuke looked over at her from the pilot's seat and she sighed as she turned to face him once more. "Why do you think she is the only one who can be the emissary to the Awoken?" Naruto asked over their comms and Ino laughed. "Naruto, are you honestly that dense?" she asked and he was silent for a moment.

"She is in a relationship with the Prince." Sasuke said and Naruto yelled into the speaker. "What the hell Naruto!?" Sakura grumbled. "How the Hell? I thought she was chasing after Sasuke!" he yelled and everyone groaned. "She was." Hinata said softly and everything went silent. "Wait... What?" Sakura asked and Hinata laughed lightly. "She liked Sasuke, it wasn't hard to see." She said once more and Sasuke looked over at her in disbelief. "You can't be serious." Naruto managed and Hinata smiled softly. "I am. She was mean to him because he was mean to her, but she liked him. That was why she was trying so hard to be your friend Sasuke." Hinata said and the Uchiha rolled his eyes.

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