Chapter 1: The beginning

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"Moose and Devil, get your things together, we have to go or we'll miss the fire!" Dean yelled. It was so loud that Sam almost dropped the book he was reading. He wasn't thrilled with the idea of going to a midsummer's eve celebration. He would've rather had a quiet evening with his brothers, like a small bonfire in the backyard. Sam was overjoyed that his eldest brother was also home after a long time. 

John had forbidden him from ever coming to his house, maybe he would care if he was actually home, but because of his job, he never is. Sam looks up to both of his brothers, but he isn't like them. Sometimes he feels that in the Winchester family, the older you are the more immature you get.

Dean marched into Sams room like it was his. 

"Sam, get up! What are you laying there! Luci is already in the car. " 

"You two can go by yourselves." 

"Sammy... Please come, the band is good, not Bon Jovi, but it's something." Sam looked his leatherjacket wearing ultimately exited brother, sighed, and said: "Alright... I'll come." 

"Yeah!" Dean whooped whilst throwing a black jacket at his brother. Even though it was quite warm for June, he put the jacket on. It always rains on midsummer's eve. 

Dean was already on the driver's seat of his beloved Chevy Impala, when his younger brother stepped out of the house. "Chop, chop, Sammy!" Lucifer shouted from the car window. When Sam had taken a seat, Lucifer told his younger brothers to put on their seatbelts. Dean put in the greatest rock hits CD and the Impala dashed like the wind. 

When they arrived, the band was playing their second song. Some daring guys danced near the stage to whom alcohol had already taken effect on. Children were seesawing on a large swing, laughing happily. The air was thick with positive emotion (or maybe moisture but who cares).

Before running off to somewhere, Dean shouted to his brothers "Have fun!" Sam and Luci wonder around aimlessly before their rumbling stomachs force them to buy some food at a burgerbooth. Sam orders some fries with a salad. 

Lucifer decided he wasn't very hungry, so he brought himself a bottle of Coke. He didn't want to drink alcohol since he was certain that the middle Winchester brother will drink. Luci and Sam both worry about him. He says it's fine and he is an adult after all. But it began when he was so young, and on the rare occasions when John was home. When he could've done something to prevent his son, I can confidently claim that his favourite son, from being a borderline alcoholic. But no, he 

Sam and Luci sat down and like with every person who isn't hungry... Lucifer stole fries from Sams plate. Sam didn't care for the fries, but he started to wonder about the whereabouts of his older sibling. When his eyes were searching through the crowd, he noticed a familiar face. It was a girl with blazing red hair and a bright smile. When Sam finished the salad part of his meal he said "Luci, you can have the fries. I'm going to go talk to Charlie." Lucifer with his mouth full of fries mumbled: "Wait! I'm coming too!" He poured the last fries into his mouth and the brothers walked over to Charlie. She was holding her hand around the waist of another girl who Sam didn't know. 

"Hey, Charlie! Long time no sees." 

"Sam!" Charlie let go of the girl and hugged Sam. "Its been so long." 

She stepped back to the girl whose eyes were full of excitement. "My name is Joanna, but everyone calls me Jo. Charlie has told me a lot about you. It's a pity that we haven't met before."

"Hi, Jo! It's so nice to meet you. That cola drinking dude behind me is my brother." 

Jo fingergunned Lucifer and asked "Dean right?" 

Lucifer almost spit out the coke he was drinking. Then proceeded to clear his throat and proclaim "I am the great demon of the Winchester mansion, Lucifer. Even though I live in my own place now... John is such a little dickhead that even demons don't want to live under the same roof as him."

Like a ghost, Dean jumped out from nowhere and trumpeted. "Respect your elders!" All eyes were on him now, trying to know if he is serious or not. Lucifer responded to his straight-faced brother 

"I can say the same to you, younger brother." Sam straightened his back and was ready to separate his brothers if there were to be any conflict. But Dean started to laugh "I got you! Everyone agrees that John is a dick." 

Sam sighed in relief when his brothers, along with the rest of the crew, started laughing. When everyone had calmed down Jo asked: "So you are Dean?" 

"That I am. I'm happy that Charlie has found herself a beautiful girl like you."

"Dean, go hump a tree," Lucifer disrupted "you don't have to try to charm the pants off of any attractive person you see." 

"Who do you think I learned it from, miser Devil?"

"Me, a charmer? No way. I was such a saint when I was single."

 In the middle of this conversation, Sam started walking away. Charlie who noticed it asked jokingly, "Where do you think you're going, young man?" 

Sam pulled his fingers through his hair, smiled awkwardly and said: "I think I've done enough socializing for the day. So I'll start walking back home." 

"You're not getting free so easily," Jo suggested that they all could go to her villages bonfire. Sam(reluctantly) agreed, so did the older brothers and Charlie.

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