The Contract :11

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--Natsume ran and ran until she couldn't run anymore. She collapsed from exhaustion but before she passed out she transformed into a black wolf. The members of the Wolf Demon tribe can transform into giant wolves when their body becomes weak or over abused.

~~~~~~Natsus' POV~~~~~

~~Me and metal face followed Natsumes' scent into the forest. After a couple of hours we reached where her scent stopped. But the weird thing was, she wasn't there. Instead a giant black dog was.

"Are you sure this was where the scent stopped?" Gajeel asked with a smug tone.

"Of course I am! I wouldn't get her scent mixed up!" I yelled.

~~A low growl came from the dog. We both turned around to find it awake and bearing it's fangs.

"Quid hic agis?"(what are you doing here) asked the giant dog. Surprisingly I understood it.

"We came here to come get you, the Master wants to talk to you?" Iron studs answered.

"Quid?"(about what) it asked back.

"I have no idea. But if you want to find out come with us."

"Why are you asking this dog to come with us to see Gramps? I thought he told us to find Natsume?" I asked confused.

"Ego Natsume. ut prius in corpore invaidus lupus."(i am natsume. my body was weak so I transformed into a wolf.)

"Oh... But you didn't do this when you first passed out in the guild. Why now?"

"Vacuatum magiae meae non viribus."(my magic was drained not my physical strength)

"Why you talking in that weird language? And how can we understand ya?" Gajeel asked.

"Intellegere potes me nescio. Latine loqui non possum alia lingua in hac forma."(I have no idea how you can understand me. And I can't speak any other language but Latin in this form.)

"Are you comin' with us or not?" Metal head asked.

~~The giant 'wolf' or Natsume nodded and followed us back to the guild.

------No Ones POV----

--As the moon began to rise in the darkness of the night Natsume began to walk slower and slower. Until finally she came to a complete stop, her body began to be consumed by an unbearable pain. She howled a sorrowful howl to the glowing moon as she began to once again transform.

"Hey are you alright?" Natsu and Gajeel both shouted.

"Manere, ego Italiam transgressi."(stay back I'll be alright) growled the black wolf as steam came off its body.

--As the steam came off the wolves' body it's fur began to disappear. The wolf slowly began to form as a human, or what appeared to be human..... When the transformation was complete Natsume was revealed, she then started to fall. But because of the Dragon Slayers' quick reflexes they caught her before she fell.

"Thank you... I can't walk right now, my body is in too much pain. Could one of you carry me." Natsume asked in a whisper as she cringed in pain.

--Gajeel was the one who decided to carry her. And so their pursuit back to the guild began again.

"So what just happened?" Natsu asked curiously.

"The light of the moon has effect on the form of a Demon has taken, but it's usually not painful..... But I'm different I'm not completely a Demon nor am I completely a Dragon. I'm a beast hidden within a beast but takes the form of a human." Natsume responded nonchalantly.

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