Titiania and the Demon :4

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--After staying in the field for a couple of hours they all went their separate ways. Natsu and Lucy went to the guild while Fang and Natsume walked around town some more.

"Hime, when are you going to tell Salamander and the rest of the Dragon Slayers who you really are? The longer you keep it a secret, the more it's going to hurt you in the end." Fang said in a serious yet caring tone as he grabbed Natsume's wrist.

"I don't plan on telling anyone that I'm the next heir to the Dragon thrown. Or the fact that my words to them are absolute orders whether I want them to or not. I also don't plan on going to the Dragon Realm and claiming the thrown when Mother is no longer able to." Natsume stated solemnly as her hair covered her face.

"I see.... So what's the point in staying here? We could always find the murderers ourselves! Instead of waisting time here!" Fang replied raising his voice.

"I want to live a normal life before I become the monster that's inside of me.... But until then. . . I'd be nice if the eavesdroppers would come out of hiding!!" Natsume shouted as she changed the subject. The Twin Dragons came out from the shadows. Fang was surprised he didn't notice them before and how efficently Natsume changed the subject.

"What was the point in hiding if you knew I'd catch you?" Natsume asked walking in front of the two.

"To see if you were as you said you were." Rogue stated in a monotone.

"And the rumors are true; A Dragon in wolves clothing has appeared in Fiore." Sting smirked cockily.

"And what I've heard about you two are also true; the 3rd generation Dragon Slayers were defeated by Salamander and Black Steel during the Grand Magic games." Natsume grinned as they both looked away in shame. "As I thought. But you two could be useful to me, I mean if you guys are up for it?" Natsume asked playfully.

--Both Dragon Slayers looked at each other then looked back to Natsume.

"Why should we help you?" Sting asked with a smug face. Natsume smirked evilly to his question.

"Well if you don't I'll have myself a good hunt with those cats of yours that are waiting in the inn you're currently staying at. Or I can just make you by casting a powerful spell on you handed down from generations of Royal Dragons. Your choice though." Natsume said playfully innocent.

--Rogue was the first one to comply with Natsume's demands.

"What do you want us to do, Princess?"

"Rogue what the hell!! We can't have this girl push us around!" Sting yelled pissed off.

"Sting I think I'd be better if we just willing follow her, instead of getting Frosh and Lector in danger.... And I know you can sense her magically energy just as much as I can." Rogue whispered with a growl. Sting had to agree to that, this girl was give off a lot of magical pressure. Plus he didn't want to endanger Lector or Frosh.

"Fine, whatever. What do you want us to do?" Sting asked as he pouted like a child. Natsume smiled as she put one hand on their cheeks.

"That a boys! I'm glad you could see things my way. All I want you to do is to keep on eye on an Assassins guilds activity, their called the Crimson Reapers. And report to me as soon as possible." Natsume asked politely as both boys had a tint of pink on their cheeks. Sting and Rogue nodded in agreement.

"By the way Princess, what's your name?" Rogue asked.

"Ohh that's right. My name is Natsume VenHellsing. And this is my partner Fang." Natsume cheered as she pointed to herself then Fang.

"I'd be on my way if I were you. I sense someone heading this way." Fang stated.

"Bye-bye. I'll see you guys soon!" Natsume waved as the two Dragon Slayers left. Minutes later Natsu came running toward them.

"Sume... Gramps.. wants.. you.." Natsu huffed out of breath.

"Okay! Let's go then!" she cheered as she grabbed both Fangs' and Natsus' wrist and pulled them to the guild.

~~Stings' POV~~

"Hey Rogue what's up with that girl? She was weird." Sting said with his hands behind his head.

"I don't know. But the Princess had the scent of a Dragon and a Demon, it was rather strange." Rogue said out loud almost to himself.

"I honestly don't care. I just want to get something to eat."

"Why is it that when ever we talk you always end up thinking about food." Rogue stated tiredly.

"Cause food is awesome!!" I cheered as we continued walking.

___Meanwhile at the Guild___

--When the three entered the guild Master Makarov was waiting with Erza by his side.

"Nice of you to join us Natsume and Fang. I'd like you to meet one of my S-class mages; Erza Scarlet." Makarov smiled as he pointed to the armored red head.

"Nice to meet you Titania. I've been waiting to see my opponent, and I'm glad it's you." Natsume smiled as Fang disappeared into the Spirit World.

"I looking forward to the challenge. I can sense that you will be a worthy opponent." Erza grinned.

"Oh I'm sure.. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve to defeat you." Natsume smirked as her tail wagged in anticipation.


-Natsume's going to fight Erza!!

-What tricks does she have to defeat he Mighty Titania?

-Why does Natsume ask Sting and Rogue to keep an eye on the assassins guild the Crimson Reapers??

-Who will win the battle?? The Fairy Queen or the Wolf Demon??

-Read the next chapter to find the answers to these question and more?!?!


[A/N] Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I want you guys to share this story to your friends if you'd think they'd enjoy reading it. Until next time... Edited as of 3/2/15



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