Plan Six

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Bruce took Clint's advice and slept as much as possible with the sleeping tablets that Stark had provided as the billionaire tended to use them a lot.
He slept for almost an entire day, and kept his mind busy for the rest of the time by thinking of scientific theories, taking naps, then thinking of Natasha.
Finally, the days passed, and Bruce was hovering over Calcutta.

"Scan the area for Natasha Romanoff." He ordered the Jet like he had many times before.

"I'm sorry, my systems have low power levels and I cannot scan this area." The Jet's female voice replied. Bruce rolled his head back with a small groan, then sat himself back at the cockpit to steer the jet into a landing. He was going to have to go on foot. He had no idea how many days it would take to search an entire City for someone who probably wasn't there. All he knew is to go where his plan told him: to the place where Bruce and Natasha had first met.

After landing, Bruce opened his backpack to check what he had left and found a photograph. Stark must have put it there. It was a picture of the Avengers, all together at one of Tony's party's, hugging, smiling, laughing, drinking, and in the corner, Natasha and Bruce were seen smiling, his arm around her.
Bruce stared at the image for a while and sighed. His heart switched on and off from cold and depressed to warm and fuzzy.

"I miss you..." He whispered. With a sniff, he wiped his eyes, folded the photo to crop the part with just him and her, and gently tucked it into his pocket.
The Jet's door opened, and he wondered out. Faces stared at the man who had just walked out of a fancy jet.
They scrutinised him, most of them in recognition. The word spread quickly that Bruce had returned, and it wasn't long before he could hear his name being said everywhere he passed.

The hot sun sizzled the back of Bruce's sweater, so he took it off, leaving a plain white T-shirt, and wrapped it around his waist.
It had been a good two hours of walking as Bruce searched the area, trying to remember where the house was that he had encountered Natasha in.

"Doctor Banner, Doctor Banner!" A young boy spoke in Bengali, tugging Bruce by the arm. Bruce raised an eyebrow and glanced down. The boy was covered in dirt, and clearly underfed. Bruce crouched down to reach his level.

"What is wrong?" He asked, also speaking the language fluently.

"Please help. My brother is hurt." The boy said as tears filled up his eyes. Bruce hesitated, and gave a heartbreaking look of sympathy.

"I do not have any equipment. I can't help..." The doctor said, looking down shamefully.

"Please... just try. You are my only hope, sir." The boy said. Those words tore into Bruce. Kids were putting their faith in him. After sitting in front of the television in the cage, watching over and over what a monster he truly was, hearing that he was hope became an oddly painful sound.
But at the same time, a small spark of motivation filled him. Bruce loved helping people, and if that was what it took, then he would.

Bruce followed the boy as he ran in panic towards the destination. They squeezed through crowds, occasionally bumping into people accidentally. The path eventually led to a familiar place... A house at the edge of the city...
He slowly followed the boy in, and watched as he copied the technique that a young girl had done many years ago. Disappointment filled the scientist when he realised he couldn't help anyone. But sudden bubbles suddenly rose in his stomach.

He turned around slowly and dropped his glasses on the floor.

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