17: break

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Peter pov

(Y/n) walked out of my bedroom, I'm not sure if she would hate me after this. But I had to do it for her. I love her and she deserves someone who isn't going to leave her alone to cry.

I heard the outdoor opens and close. No did she leave, she can't leave so late. No! I walked out of my room and saw may.

"No don't go after her, I don't know what your problem is but you don't get the chance to go after. I have called Tony so he is gonna make sure she gets home safe. I heard everything peter, who is Tyler and you told me (y/n) knew that the reason you left was for the internship. Why didn't she know, and how could you just leave her here and then break her heart more" May looked furious, she really likes (y/n) and understood that she went through some scary stuff.

" I thought you where better peter. Everything I had learned you about love and respect for your loved ones" I couldn't take the pain anymore.

"May please understand that I did this for her own good, she is better without me" I sigh.

"She was happy with you, you made her happy even if you made her sad for a little period. But what is love if it's just all fun and rainbows? Just a dream. You have to go through some shit to make a bond stronger. But you are just a coward, you just ran away" may pointed at me.

Then I realised that what I had done was so wrong. No no no she is going to get comfort from Tyler and I'll lose her. But I can't just go and say I'm sorry and think she want me back after that. I fuckt up so bad.

"May I fuckt up, what I'm I gonna do" I sobbed, I didn't want to lose (y/n).

"You have to try to do something peter, but it's late now so go to bed. And you can talk to (y/n) tomorrow"

I lay in my bed thinking about what I did, how could I do something like that. Fuck I didn't think through, I'm so stupid.

After a whole night with no sleep it was time to go to school. And I'm gonna talk to (y/n) and say that I regret everything.

It was painful not knowing what was going to happen. I sat nervously in the train waiting for her stop. But when it came she wasn't there, maybe she took an earlier train or maybe Tony drove her to school.

Not at school either, I have all classes with her today and it's lunch and I haven't seen her at all. And Ned has been a little snobby against me today, so I can only think that he knows.

"Ned please do you know where (y/n) is?" I looked at him with sad sad eyes.

"Yes I know, do I wanna tell? NO! Not after what you said. You hurt her bro, and That's second time this month. And the first time was for three weeks in a row, so I guess you hurt her for a month straight"
He stood up from the table and walked away, I'm sure he is going to Tyler. Ugh.

I sat there thinking about what Ned had said to me. So I decided to ditch school and walk to her place. It was a long and tired walk, but I had to keep on going.

I was at the tower when Tony came down.
"Hey kiddo what are you doing here?" He said looking at me.

"I came to talk to (y/n), I regret everything. I thought it was the right thing to do, because i had to be gone for three weeks and i couldn't tell anything" I really hope mr.Stark it's angry at me.

"It's ok kiddo she ain't home yet so you can go in and wait for her in the living room"

"What you aren't angry with me?"

"No, I know your a good kid and regret everything. I can see that you haven't slept tonight and I feel sorry for you"

he open the door for me and I walked in and sat on the couch.

(Y/n) pov.

It was 6pm and I was walking home from the park, where I have been all day. I considered walking to peter after  school hours, but I couldn't. Maybe he's happy now, without me as a big ass problem.

I took the elevator up and when the door opens I saw someone laying on the couch. And when I walked closer i saw that it was Peter.

"Peter?" I whispered. I lay a hand on his shoulder and he flinched so much that he almost fell of.

"Peter what are you doing here, it's 6:30pm" I said coldly.

"I came here to say sorry, I was stupid and didn't think" he said sitting up taking both my hands in his.

"Peter" I mumbled.

"No no please I can't live without you" his words struck me hard, because he could go three weeks without seeing me or talk to me.

"Peter you hurt me.
It hurts when someone you though never was going to hurt you actually hurt you"

"Please, I know I hurt you and I know I was stupid but please don't end us for real. I need you and I want you to be happy"
Ugh I know I'm weak, I just wanna hug him forever, but what if he hurts me again. I can't take that kind of pain again.
"Please, I love you" that broke me, my tears started to fall and my knees was weak.

"Peter please can we just take a break" i winced.

"A break? What do you mean?" His eyes filled with sadness and confusion.

"A break, just to recover and prosess, build trust and love after this storm of sadness and chaos"

"I understand but" I cut him of.

"Just for a little while, we are still friends but only friends for now"

"Oh ok, I'll just say I'm sorry then leave" he smiled at me and walked out.

My heart pounded so hard and fast and I felt an anxiety attack. I suddenly bursted out crying and I couldn't breathe, I layes on the floor shivering and trying to catch my breath.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"(Y/n) are you ok, what's going on. Try to breathe" it was Tyler, I forgot that he was coming over.

Tyler stroke my back and helped me catch my breath and calming down.
"What's going on?" He looked at me with sad eyes.

"It's just- just- that- P-Peter was her and I-I-I told HiM that wE should take a A B-break and just be FrieNds for now" my voice cracked.

"it's just temporary, right. Either you will find your way back and be happy or you realise that he isn't the one and move on" Tyler helped me to the kitchen and got me a glass of water.

Peter pov

She told me that she wanted to take a break, what if it's an break forever. What do I do to not make her move on, dos she even still love me? As I walked down the stairs from the tower I realised that I had forgotten my jumper at her couch. So I walked up again, I didn't need that jumper but I wanted to see her.

As I opens the door I heard crying, is she crying. Oh I have to-, but then I heard another voice. Tyler, ugh he is already there to comfort her.

"it's just temporary, right. Either you will find your way back and be happy or you realise that he isn't the one and move on" I heard Tyler say til her and my heart dropped at his words.

'Or you realise he isn't the one and move on' what if she actually is moving on. What if she chose Tyler, shit. I don't need my jumper I'll just leave.

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