xii. slideshow freakshow

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A few days later...

Mallory's POV

Bill invited us to his house. He said that he had some evidence on the whole "missing kids" thing. Stan and I biked over to Bill's house and met the rest of the group there. Once we all arrived, Bill took us to his garage.

"Okay, look." He placed a lens into place and turned on the screen. A map of Derry appeared. "That's where Georgie disappeared." He points to the sewers down the road.

"There's the Ironworks, and there's the Blackspot. Everywhere it happens it-it-it's all connected by the sewers. And they all meet up at the-"

"The well house." Ben answers.

"Isn't that the house on Neibolt Street?" I ask.

"You mean that creepy ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie comments.

Eddie quickly reaches into his fanny pack and grabs his inhaler. I gently place my hand on his back and begin to rub it, trying to calm him down.

"I hate that place," Beverly adds, "Always feels like it's watching me."

"Agreed." I nod.

"That's where I saw It." Eddie gasps, finally catching his breath. "That's where I saw the clown."

"Tha-tha-that's where It lives."

"I can't imagine anything wanting to live there."

I watch as Eddie starts to panic and take another hit from his inhaler.

"Eddie, calm down," I whisper.

Eddie jumps up from his seat. "Can we stop talking about this? I can barely breathe. It's summer!" Eddie gets more and more upset, flailing his arms all over the place.

"Eddie, calm down." I coo.

"This is summer! We're kids! I can barely breathe having a fucking asthma attack."

"Eddie, please just calm down!" I'm begging at this point.

"I'm not fucking doing this" He grabs the map of the city off the wall and tears it off.

"Eddie!" We all scream.

"What the hell? Put the map back!" Bill shouts, but Eddie just shakes his head. The slides change and I shoot my head towards Bill, who looks at me, confused. We both look down at the projector, which was changing slides by itself.


"What's going on?"

"what's happening?" All of us ask as Mike and Bill try to stop the projector. On the wall, family pictures of the Denbrough family slides through. family vacations, pictures of the boys. One picture pops up and it then starts to go closer and closer to Georgie with each slide.

"Georgie." Bill muffles under his breath. The slides keep moving faster and faster.

"Bill?" Stan asks worriedly. The slides then start to move away from Georgie and towards Mrs. Denbrough, whose hair was in her face. The slide moves faster and faster until it's almost like a video. Her hair starts to move with the wind until the face of a clown appears.

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