xx. murderer

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A few minutes later...

Mallory's POV

"Stanley!" We all scream for the curly-haired boy. Where the fuck is my brother? As we look for him, Richie holds me tight as I hyperventilate and tear up.

"It's okay, it's okay. He's fine Mal, I promise." Richie kept whispering to me.

We search the dark tunnels, our flashlights illuminating barely anything. It was so dark. Why did Stan disappear? What if he's hurt? 

What if he's dead?!

I squeeze Richie's hand, letting out a loud cry. "I'm scared, Richie."

"It's okay. Everything's gonna be alright." He continued to speak calmly to me, wrapping his free arm a little bit tighter around my waist.

We look around until we hear Stan's scream echo. We run in the direction of the scream, calling out his name. Where could he be?

We find a door, but it was tightly shut. We all put our body weight against it to get it to open. The door finally swings open and we enter a larger room.

Across the room, a flashlight that was still on. He was close. I let go of Richie and run to the flashlight. Picking it up, I shine the light forward, revealing Stanley, laying on the ground, a lady above him, connected to his face.

When I first find my brother, I couldn't find my voice. I wanted to scream. Wanted to scream my lung out. I couldn't.

But Eddie could. He screams and everyone but me races toward Stan. What am I doing? That's my brother over there, possibly being killed. I hear some kind of scream and I knew. He could be hurt. I needed to move. I snap out of it a run to Stan.

The lady that was on him was gone and he hard marks all over his face. All the other Losers stared at Stan but I ran straight to him and quickly wrapped my arms around him. He wakes up and starts screaming, pushing me away but I fight back and don't let him go.

"Stanley!" The boys scream as they follow behind me. Stan continues to panic as they crowd around him, engulphing him in a giant hug.

"You left me!" Stan screams in the most scared voice I've ever heard him speak in. "You aren't my friends! You made me go into Neibolt!"

"I'm sorry!" Richie cries. everyone was crying at this point. 

"You made me go into Neibolt..." Stan repeats as he slowly calms down. We all hug Stanley as tightly as possible, mumbling that we love him and never wanted to hurt him.

"I'm so glad you're okay, you're okay," I mumble, tucking my head between Stan's head and shoulder.

"Bill!" Eddie screams. We all look up to see Bill gone. Where did he go? I look down one of the halls and see a flashlight running away from us.

"Bill, no!" I scream.

The boys start to chase Bill while Richie and I help Stan up.

"You're not leaving my sight, I can't lose you," I whisper to Stan, who just nods.

Richie, Stan, and I catch up with the rest of the boys. We run until Eddie falls into the water.

"Come on, get out of there dude, it's greywater," Richie says. 

"Wait, wait, wait! My fucking flashlight." Eddie sticks his hand in the water and scans the ground.

"Be caref-" I get cut off by Eddie's high pitch scream. Heads start to appear in the water. We all join in the screaming and jump backward.

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