Chapter 7 - Scarlett

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*Chapter is partially edited!*

*Chapter is partially edited!*

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     GROGGINESS WAS THE MORE annoying thought that plagued my mind when I rolled over once more

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     GROGGINESS WAS THE MORE annoying thought that plagued my mind when I rolled over once more. Tossing and turning had always been my staple, but today, I'd been hoping to toss that particular trait of mine aside for an actual night of good sleep.

Apparently, my body had other ideas.

The feeling of my cheap pink nail polish chipping off as I raked my fingers through my knotted blonde hair left me grimacing. I'd be finding it in my hair for weeks if I didn't take care of it soon. The tell tale sign of the greasy feeling in my hair was only becoming more evident after my long two day road trip; it was becoming more and more apparent that I needed a shower worse than I needed my third nap of the day.

My fingers flipped the switch, allowing for the small purple shaded lamp to illuminate the previously darkened room. Judging by the lack of sunlight, I could only assume it was well past eight at night. Living in Virginia for the entirety of my life, I had come to know when the sun decided to share it's ample rays with us. By now the stars would be littering the sky in a way that LA could never dream possible.

For the first time since I'd gotten back, I actually felt happy to be home.

My mind began wandering as I tipped my head back, my eyes blurring when I began zoning out on the stark white color of the ceiling. Back home, or rather my childhood home, my mother had taped those glow in the dark stars to my ceiling. Over time I had grown tired of seeing those little stars light up each night, feeling as though they were tied to my childhood and that I had grown out of them. I'd taken to painting each and every star a multitude of pale pastel colors before replacing the stars up on the ceiling. The process had taken weeks, even with Wren's help in between lacrosse practices, but it had been worth it.

Laying here, looking up at the ceiling, I missed those stupid stars.

Opting to let the past go, I reached over, fingertips grasping at the edge of my phone just in time to save the thing from falling to the plush carpeted floor. My fingers once more moved across the screen, though this time I had no chance to think about what I was doing, before I began calling the only person I could think of at this hour.

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