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You stared at your ceiling once again, with a hundred thoughts. The dark shadows in your room filled your eyes, with tears flowing down your cheeks. 

You hated your life, you hated every little thing. It was your fault. If you didn't start arguing with them and followed what they said. You wouldn't be in your room, you wouldn't need to live in an apartment, you wouldn't have broken your relationship with your family. 

Everything you did in the past, everything was your fault. 

Your sobs could be heard inside your room, thankfully you lived alone. 

The wind gushed in through your opened window, sending shivers all across your body. The loud rain flooded the sounds of your sobs. You sighed and yawned.

"I-I'm tired o-of this l-life," you said as your voice quivered. You closed your eyes and fell in a deep sleep.

You were awoken by the sounds of the hard pouring rain and the sounds of your alarm. You wanted to stay in your bed and ignore every living creature. You still stood up though, even if there wasn't any point in going to school.

You walked to the bathroom and went to your wardrobe, seeing bright clothes you used to wear. You ignored the clothes, went for black leggings and a black sweater. 

You walked past the kitchen and grabbed your backpack. The steps you took was the only thing heard inside the hallway. 

You excited out of the building, while it was still pouring out. You didn't care to grab an umbrella, as that isn't important to you. 

You walked into the school, soaking wet. Everyone looked at you, knowing to avoid the outcast.

No one has ever heard your voice, which practically everyone thinks you can't talk. 

You'd rather just ignore their presence and mind your own business. You walked into class and sat at the back, looking out the window.

'the rain looks so beautiful' you thought, admiring the view from your classroom window. Suddenly, loud screams disrupted your viewing.

You looked at what the class was screaming about. A boy? New student?

"Hello, the names Jungkook" he smiled.

'Jungkook, hm. I've heard of that name before.' You thought, wondering where you heard that name. You ignored it and put your hood over your face.

"Where would you like to sit?" The teacher asked Jungkook, he looked around the class. Looking at every little detail of all the students. One caught his eyes though, someone hiding under a hood. 

"I'll sit at that back seat, over there" you heard him say. You couldn't care less to look up and see where he would sit, not like you'll actually talk to him. 

You hear the chair beside you move, the thought of your parents came to your mind. You shed a tear but wiped it away before anyone sees you.


You heard a male voice talk beside you. You ignored it. You felt a slight poke on your shoulder.


You sighed, you went up to look at the person's shoes.

'Jungkook? He's sitting next to me?' You waited for him to talk.

"What's your name?"

You ignored his question and lay your head down on your arms. You heard whispers at your side.

"That's Y/N, I wouldn't talk to her if I were you" a squeaky voice whispered.

"Why not?" Jungkook whispered back. 

"She can't talk" 

you scoffed at the remark. Jesus, can her voice get anymore squeaker. 

"Oh, sorry Y/N," Jungkook said apologizing. 

~time skipped~

It was break time, the time you loved the most. You walked down the hall with your head down low, not wanting to meet someone's eyes. You walked out to the basketball court and sat at one of the benches. You looked at the guys playing basketball.

'Jungkook, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin. Guess they're all friends' 

You watched as Taehyung passed the ball to Yoongi, who then passed the ball to Jungkook who threw the ball to the net. It quite impressed you on their skills and reminded you of your brothers.

Key and Doojun, those guys probably hate me so much. I mean I don't blame them, its my fault they died.

You looked down in sadness. You blamed yourself every single day for almost 3 years for killing your parents. It was your fault for arguing with them that night.

You looked up to see Jungkook smiling. Why is that smile making my heart flutter so much? What's this feeling? Why is it so perfect?

Why is he doing this to me?


I hope you guys liked this part. I'll try to upload properly this time, as I took such a long ass hiatus from writing. Anyways, have a great day and be careful <3

- xAlx

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