A real Pirates Voice

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The sound of a young man sobbing and banging on the captains quarters door, rang throughout the docked ship.

"Jack! Jack please answer me! Please!" Cried a young and desperate Will Turner.

His precious baby was wrapped in a bed sheet and crying. It was tucked in Will's chest and shielded from the night rain drops. It was storming and no one was willing to take then in. The only person Will thought of now was Jack.

"Jack please!" He cried. He tried a couple more times before giving an exasperated sigh and then leaning his head on the wooden door. His baby began to notice his severe stress and started wailing.
He tried to shush his baby but he couldn't even hear himself over the loud crashing thunder.

"Please..." He whispered sorrowfully.

Suddenly the door was yanked opened and Will was pulled inside. "Davy Jones Locker! What is a baby doing on me ship?!" The infamous pirate snapped as he slammed the door shut and locked it.

"I-I'm sorry!" Will begged as he held his baby close to his chest. "Forgive please! I needed help-" He choked up. His hair stuck to his forehead and his clothes were drenched

Jack's eyes softened. "Sit down lad." He said as he patted an old ripped up chair.
Will sat down and rocked his baby to stop him from crying, his loud screams quited but was still letting out small wails.

Jack hurriedly and drunkenly walked over to a pile of clean sheets. He grabbed a few and then looked back at Will. He saw him caressing the infants cheeks. The baby had Wills adorable brown eyes and his cute little nose. His face was chubby and plump.

Jack walked back over to them, casually stepping over empty liquor bottle and maps with sheets in his arms.

He wrapped the warm material around the stressed out man and exchanged the baby's damp and cold sheets.

Will sniffed and shifted the child into another arm, then he wiped his non-stop flowing tears the best he could.
"Thank you Jack." He whispered quietly, his voice was hoarse from all the shouting and sobbing.

Jack inched his his hand over to Will's back and and gently rubbed it.

Will leaned into the comfort. He's had a long day.

"May I..?" Jack asked quietly as he motioned towards the Will's baby.

The blonde lad tensed up and hesitated to respond.

"Please?" Jack whispered quietly as he rubbed Will's thigh with his other hand.

Will's face flushed red. "Alright."

Jack slowly took the crying baby from the worn out man and cradled him. He began to rock him and hum a pirate lullaby, already calming the baby.

Will cuddled up in the chair and gave a reileved sigh. "I tried so see if the orphanage would take us in but..."

"But what?" Jack asked in a quiet voice.

"They wouldn't let us in because they thought..." He paused then sighed and continued. "They thought I was a pirate."

"But you are a pirate lad." Jack said with an eyebrow raised.

"I-I know..." Will muttered as he started fidgeting with his fingers. He stared at his lap and sighed.

"You're a pirate lad, it's in your blood. Ya' shouldn't forget that. Savvy?" Jack reminded him with a wink.

Will flushed and smiled sheepishly. "Thanks Jack." He muttered as he yawned and pulled the closer to himself. He laid his head down on the wooden armrest.

Jack smiled and began singing again. Will felt himself slipping into unconsciousness by the sweet sound of a real pirates voice.

Willjack. Will Turner/Jack Sparrow OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now