Oscar the Seahorse

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Oscar the seahorse was a baby brown seahorse. As he leaped up and down due to his swim bladder, he grunted when he felt his prehensile tail wrap around something. Stopping his swimming to check out what he had caught, he was dismayed that it wasn't some small Mysis Shrimp. However, he was horrified to see that he had caught a long, white, stick that had fur on each end tips. What is this? He wondered. He had no choice, but to drag it along with him to see where he could put it. He didn't understand it himself, but a ocean meeting was about things falling into the ocean that could injure the animals if they were to swallow the human made objects.

"Oh my, Oscar, where did you get that?" One of the baby killer whales asked Oscar. 

"My tail had caught it when I was in the clearing looking for food." He answered, honestly. Oscar was worried now. What was this small, yet dangerous thing. "What is it and why is it so dangerous to us?" Oscar asked a very serious question. 

The baby killer whales couldn't answer Oscar because an barracuda had suddenly appeared. The baby killer whales swam away, leaving Oscar alone with the vicious predator, however, Oscar was a friendly seahorse. "Hey, Mr. Barracuda, do you know what this is?" Oscar motioned with his tail, which still has the weird stick in its grasp. The barracuda was pleased by the young fish's motive to clean up the ocean, but first, he had to teach him.

"Little one, what you have their is humankind's plastic, something that can kill us." At his deep voice, Oscar gave a start, but then he looked away from the plastic stick.

"Is plastic what hurt my mama?" He asked. The barracuda lost his ferocious behavior at the moment. 

"Yes, little one. Plastic is thrown into the ocean and unknown to the humans above us, they are choking the small species that can get rid in the soda carriers. That, in your tail, cotton swab. Humans use it to clean their ears. However, this one seems to be clean, so maybe, it was just thrown into the ocean for trash." The barracuda tells Oscar. 

"Well, it doesn't belong in the ocean, it belongs in the trash." Oscar tells the giant fish with sharp teeth. 

"That is correct, little one." The barracuda tells Oscar. Oscar gazed up at the giant fish. 

"My name is Oscar, mister." Oscar tells the fish. The barracuda grins a very large grin and he releases a large laugh. 

"I'm Derek." Derek answers. Oscar could see the sincerity in Derek's dark eyes.

"Want to protect the ocean together?" Oscar offered. 

"Sure." Derek asked. 

"We're the Plastic Agents of the Ocean!" Oscar cheered out happily. The giant barracuda could only just shake his head.

"That is true, Oscar. Now, let's go trash that cotton swab- the right way." Derek tells Oscar.

"Yes, sir." Oscar replies to Derek dutifully.

Oscar the Seahorse (#PlanetOrPlastic)Where stories live. Discover now