Chapter 1

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The sun shone into my eyes, waking me up from my deep sleep.

"No, go away." I murmured, burying my face into a pillow, after a minute or two my alarm clock went off, I looked up from under my pillow at the darn thing and lifted my hand to press the off button. It played some radio station I didn't care for instead of the usual alarm for other alarm clocks so it always annoyed me. "Good morning to you too, Mr and Ms 'I don't give a s-'."

Before I could finish I looked at my phone, it had two test messages from a friend of mine. Friends first, annoyed Y/N later. I picked up the phone and read the messages, man she stays up late, later than me.

'Hey dude, there's a carnival coming to town soon' 
'my family is gonna buy two family passes you down?'

Carnivals, my friend's obsessed with it and honestly it's fricking adorable. If I didn't know she and I were both Seniors in highschool I'd assume this chick was 9.

'Sure i'm down have to ask moms and pops tho'

I put my phone back and jumped off the bed, I stretched my arms into the air then down to my feet.

"Alright time to change into some actual clothes. Can't go into the woods in my pjs." I walked over to my closet and grabbed a black button up vest, F/C t-shirt, and dark blue jeans. I quickly changed, grabbed some gardening gloves off my dresser and made my way to the front door to put my boots on.

On the way there I saw my dad and uncle on the couch in the living room. They were talking about soccer. I walked over to them "Hey pops! Hey Uncle!"

"Hey Y/N! Didn't know you'd be up this early." My Uncle said raising an eyebrow.

"Sun had other plans ya'know?" I answered then turned to my pops "Hey, my friend, you know the one, invited me to the carnival. Can I go? She really wants me to!"

He laughed then nodded "Of course sweetie! Just ask her when it is and either me or your mom will drop you off and pick you up!" He smiled.

"No need, i'm sure she'll be the one picking me up." I responded before I walked over and grabbed my boots "I'll just let her know you said yes. Anyway i'll be headin' to the garden in the woods. If you need me just head out there!"

I put on my boots, grabbed my muddy watering can and ran outside. I quickly filled it with water from the outside garden hose and ran into the woods.


"Ugh, it feels like the garden is always getting further and further away!" I complained as I walked down a road I've made from walking the same way for about a year now. I ran my fingers through my hair, and wiped the sweat from my brow.

This is exactly why i'm the only one who takes care of the garden, because it's far away from where everyone on my street lives. It's very rare I see anyone besides me at the garden, but it's nice whenever someone stops by to look at the flowers or have a nice chat.

As I took more steps toward the garden I suddenly smelt, smoke? Yeah, that's definitely smoke!

'Smoke? Wait is it a forest fire? No the garden!' I thought as I ran ahead trying to get to the source of the smell to stop it before it could spread. I heard the leaves crunch underneath my feet as the garden slowly grew into view. There was one problem, there was a crater in the middle.

I started to run faster feeling as if I'd trip and fall on a branch, and then suddenly I heard a voice.

"He-hello!? Is someone there!? Do you know where I am!?" I heard a British accent yelling out for help. "Or maybe it's a bear- are there bears around here? Uh- If you're a bear, pretend I'm not here!" He started mumbling but then started shouting again.

'Bear? Wait what's this Brit doing in my garden! Did he cause the smoke?' I in thought anger as I slowed my steps and approached the crater, where the smoke's source was.

"Oh, are you still there! If you're not a bear, then- then say your name! If you're a bear- well then don't say anything I guess." He continued before stopping and thinking "Wait what if they're not a bear- or a person- UUummm, only say your name if you're a person that will help me!"

I stood at the edge of the crater and looked down, my eyes widening. What I saw was definitely the source of the voice, but it wasn't a person as I thought. It was some sort of metal ball.

It had many scorch marks, cracks, and broken bits, with sparks and smoke flowing outside of the back. It had a big blue eye which had many cracks, it was glowing lightly but every now and then the glow would stop. The blue eye was twitching every now and then, it was clear it was badly damaged.

'Must have fallen from something.' Was my only thought looking at all the damage. It didn't seem like anyone did it intentionally or it was part of the design, but if it was they did a good job at making it real. Why would anyone wanting such a high tech piece of hardware to look damaged though? There's just no point to it.

"O-oh! Hello! You're not a bear that's good, um, can you talk? My name's Wheatley!" The metal ball said seemingly happy despite his many eye twitches. "Oh do you have brain damage like she did? That would not be good, because well I need some repairs as you can probably tell." Wheatley laughed to himself before looking me up and down.

I sat on the ground my legs dangling into the crater, nearly touching the top of him. "Yes I have brain damage, clearly from the fact that I am all alone in the woods. I have brain damage."

"Was- was that sarcasm?" He asked, confused "Ow, ok I'm sorry just- help me please?"

"How do I know you're not some AI made to sneak into my house and kill me." I said raising an eyebrow. "Nah I think I'll just leave you here 'Wheatley.'"

He seemed upset but it was hard to tell "Look, please. I just crashed down from space, it's a long story which I can tell you IF you help me!" He begged.

"Fine, my name's Y/N by the way." I said as I picked him up.

"Oh thank you! Y/N you said? Thank you so much!" He said looking around "Is this garden yours? It looks nice! Well it did before I- crashed- into it." He looked up at a tree which had a smoke trail coming from it. "O-oh."

I looked up as well and saw a similar looking metal ball hanging from a branch. That one was making no noise and was clearly beyond repair. Any important parts must have been stabbed through.

"That your buddy?" I asked holding a hand in front of my face to block the sunlight.

"Yes, well sort of. He was sucked into space with me, he was the only one I could talk to. One downside though he was obsessed with space. I mean that's not BAD it just got annoying heaving to hear him talk about how we're in space for years- has it been years? I've lost track of time." He started rambling on about how his internal clock busted and other code stuff I didn't understand.

"Yeah it must have been TERRIBLE to hear someone rambling on for so long." I said rolling my eyes.

"I know! It got tiring after awhile-"

"You broke whatever sarcasm protocol you might of had on the fall didn't you?"

He took a moment to realize what I had said and then sighed "You're one for sass aren't you?"

"They don't call me Sassy Cassy for nothing."

"Do they call you that?"

"No, what do you think?" I said bluntly before looking at the now destroyed garden "Goodbye old friend."

I turned around and started walking back to the house turning my back on one of my favorite places in the world. I keep my face blank, not trying to show to a metal ball what he had just done to my mind. "So... space huh? How'd you wind up there?"

"Well it's a long story! Do we have some time? Because we'll be here awhile. Ok so it all started with me meeting the lady-" He started going on, but I just smirked and nodded every now and then. It'll be interesting to show everyone a robot.

Who knows? Maybe he can become my friend.

I found you in the garden (Wheatley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now