Chapter 2

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"-And then she shot her portal gun and it landed on the moon! The bloody moon! I mean I deserved being launched into space but- I'm getting off track. I was then knocked into space by GLaDOS and me and Spacey were in space ever since. Well until we crashed down that is." Wheatley had finished telling me his story as walked back home. It's weird for being an AI he just seemed more like a human. It's like someone took a human brain and shoved it into a soccer ball.

I walked through the backdoor into the living room. My mom and pops were on the couch talking about business while my uncle was watching soccer on TV.

"Hey everyone! Look what I found!" I said with Wheatley under my arm. "My garden is destroyed but I found a metal ball!"

My dad turned to me and saw Wheatley under my arm. He looked confused until his eyes suddenly went wide at the movement. "WHAT THE F-!"

"DON'T SPEAK LIKE THAT IN FRONT OF YOUR KID!" My mom yelled before getting up to look at Wheatley more closely. "You found it in the garden? And what is this about it being destroyed?"

"Hello!" Wheatley chimed in before his eye twitched "Yeah I might, have crashed into it from space. Haha...."

My uncle shot up and whispered. "Holy shit!" He said as he ran over and grabbed Wheatley from my arms. 

"LANGUAGE!" My mother yelled.

"You found this thing in the woods? Who would leave this beaut out in a garden?" He started turning Wheatley to get a better look at him "I could fix him and up, imagine all information on this thing! I could use this to make my little robots even better!" 

My uncle had a thing for machines, I knew he'd react this way. He has a warehouse he made out of his garage, filled with little robots he'd made to help him out or just for fun. I've never seen anything like Wheatley in his warehouse, so it was fate for him to be this interested.

"Why- Thank you! I have a name you know, it's Wheatley." He said, a spark coming from his broken handle as it twitched "Ow, yeah could you fix me up?"

"His AI is so advanced he can feel pain! Daaaaaamn can I take this?" My uncle turned and asked him.

I walked over and grabbed Wheatley "If Wheatley's ok with it. I'd actually wanted to ask you something. Maybe we could make him some sort of body? Like an android?"

My uncle raised an eyebrow and got on one knee. "I mean- I could possibly do it. Why do you ask?"

I stood still, I didn't exactly know WHY I thought of that. Wheatley just seemed too human to be left like this, besides it'd be nice to have another friend. 

"Wait I uh- heh, I don't think I follow." Wheatley laughed "What exactly does that mean?"

"Well basically, you'd look almost exactly like a human but you'd still be all robotics and mechanics inside." My uncle explained before he thought for a moment "Now that I think about it- based on how advanced your AI is you could pass for just some stupid teenager if I can get the right parts-"

Wheatley seemed to be somewhat insulted by the 'stupid teenager' part but kept quiet.

"-but that's even if you WANT to- I mean with your AI and my robotic knowledge and whatever mechanics you have that are still working, we could do it!"

"Yeah! Plus that'd mean I'd get to show you around town and introduce you to my friend! I'm sure she'd be happy to meet you, Wheatley!" I smiled and held up the orb to be eye level with me.

"I'm sorry, are you guys saying you want to give, what's basically a glorified soccer ball, a body?" My dad looked really confused. 

"Oi! Who you callin a soccer ball?" Wheatley looked offended.

"I just don't think it's a good idea, have you seen Terminator?" It's clear that my dad doesn't like the idea- or Wheatley in general for that matter.

"Bro, chill. He's obviously not that smart, I doubt he could do anything." My uncle reassured, standing up straight.

"What made you think I'm not smart!" Wheatley yelled, it just accrued to me that he stated multiple times in his story that he hated being called stupid. Well, as he put it 'a moron'.

"UUuhhh, yeah he doesn't like being called that." I stated awkwardly. "He told me a whole story about it, I can catch you up later." I could see Wheatley looking up at me from the corner of my eye, I can only assume it was to silently thank me.

My uncle started scratching his chin while looking down at Wheatley, he had a plan in mind, probably planning out a blueprint. 

"Y/N, ya mind if I take Wheatley back to my workshop? I can make a blue print there since I can't take a good look here without my equipment." He leaned down a bit to get another look at the core. "Well, if he's alright with it."

I looked over at my mom and dad "Mind if I spend the rest of the weekend at his house? I wanna stay with Wheatley a bit longer if that's alright. Plus my friend lives down there! We can discuss going to that carnival!"

My parents gave each other a look, before turning to me and nodding. My dad was the first to speak "Alright, alright. You can go but you know the rules." 

"No going out without Unc, go to bed by 11. I know, I know." I said annoyed, before running to the door to put my tennis shoes on. My parents and Uncle started talking in the background but I payed no mind to it.

"Sooo, I still don't understand." Wheatley muttered to me as I went to open the door. I stopped and thought for a moment, looking down at him.

"You'll look like me or any other human, you'll still be a robot though." I said as I started to walk to my room to grab a bag to carry him in. "You mind if I carry you in something? I don't know how people will respond if they see you."

Wheatley nodded, or what I can only assume is a nod, and I grabbed a (second f/c) bag with (rose/tulips/both) designs from my room and put him in there, making sure he would fit and nothing else was in there first. 

"Let me know if you want out." I said and made my way back out to the living room. I saw my uncle at the front door. "Coming!" I said as he opened the door and I ran out.

I looked around outside our front lawn. It had a large tree with a rope-tire swing, multiple bird feeders and a bird house, and a rope hanging from the tallest branch. Next to the tree was a small rose flower bed that had begun to wilt. I turned to the driveway and hopped into the front my uncle's dark blue car once he had unlocked it.

"You ready to go?" My uncle asked, climbing into the driver's seat and closing the door behind him. 

"Ready!" I said happily. My uncle started the car as I set the bag on my lap and opened it, looking down at Wheatley to make sure he's still okay. He looked shaken and stared looking around the car despite how being in the bag blocked his view partially. 

"Wher- where are we?" He asked, slightly shaken.

"My uncle's car." I said, and buckled my seat belt as I realized I hadn't done it yet. "Why something wrong?"

"N-no everything's fine!" He said, sounding panicked, trying to sink deeper into the bag. 

"Want me to close the bag or something?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the core.

"I mean, if you want. I'm entirely fine looking out of uh-" He was fumbling with his words "Please." He was clearly panicked looking out of the bag and around the car.

"Alright alright." I said and zipped the bag close again and looked out the window.

"Thank you." Wheatley said from inside the bag, however it was slightly muffled. "I don't think I like cars."

I shrugged and continued looking out the window, it wouldn't be long till we arrived at my uncle's house and we could start blueprints for an android body. The building will take awhile but-

It's gonna be worth it.

I found you in the garden (Wheatley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now