1. The Monster Meets The Rabbit

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        When I was younger I had a bad habit of telling lies. I always felt like I was good enough at hiding the truth that no one around me could tell the difference. It didn't matter if it was a little lie like telling my mother in enjoyed her cooking, or something much bigger. If I didn't want to tell the truth I wasn't going to. I was not a good liar then, but I am now.  

           My vison is so blurry that I only can see snippets of the world as it is rushing by me, and it's moving so fast that If I blink, I miss miles of it. The colors of the pines trees and sky blur together forming one big blob that resembles the beginning stages of a Bob Ross painting and unfortunately, everything is starting to become increasingly harder to see as the sunsets. I wobble slightly as I stand close to the edge of a train car about to jump out into the middle of where, the wind unrelenting gushing onto my face painting my cheeks a bright red. 

Breath, just breath

I place my hand on my body, and I focus on feeling my chest expand as inhale slowly and then exhale, but its on my third exhale that I hear the unmistakable sound of metal groaning as the front door of the train-car I'm currently occupying slides open. The moment when I feel the presence of the three that have been chasing me that it really sets in. I have two options;  go back or jump. So I do the only logical thing I can think of, I jump

I swiftly tuck my limbs close to my body as I fall to the ground with a thud and I can feel the impact project throughout my entire body sending surges of pain up my back as I roll on the dirt until my body comes to a stop. For a brief moment, I feel as if I can't move anything and so I lay there looking up at the sky giving myself a moment to just breath. You're alive, I tell myself, you're still alive. Breath, just Breath.

I pull my body up and look back at the train my vison still fuzzy watching it rush by. I take a quick moment to glance in the direction of the open car that I just ever so gracefully exited and I can almost swear i see the men who entered the car are peering out of it, more than likely checking to see if I'm alive. 

I lay there trying to regain my breath as I let the train pass in hopes they don't realize I survived the jump and its not until the train is long gone that I start to peel myself away from the cold ground. My muscles scream in protest, but I grit my teeth and bare stretching out my limbs just a little and then slowly, I begin to walk.

I stumble along for a while slowly but surely regaining my sanity and before long I come to a clearing. From what I can make out the space is occupied mostly by a rather large lake. There are a few rocks here and there but besides that there is nothing. I can't help but feel a shiver run up my spine when i notice just how eerie the area is with the moonlight reflecting off of the lake and lighting the space. The wind howls around and until now I have ignored it but in a large gust of wind my heighten senses immediately pick up a scent. I am not alone

In the moments following my epiphany, a large rusty brown wolf emerges from the trees as if on cue. It stands tall and barring its huge canines at me in a menacing manner and within an instant i scream in pain as my clothes rip and I force my body to shift into my wolf form, landing onto all fours. My pelt is deep black, the staple color of my home pack. I, however, have a small patch of white on my chest breaking up my otherwise completely dark pelt. I immediately barre my teeth back sending a warning as I hunch down slightly moving closer to this stranger.

The unknown wolf does not back down. It begins to inch closer it's golden-green eyes locked on me as three more wolves start to appear from the trees. I quickly realize that there is no way I will win this fight. I more than likely could have taken on one opponent by myself even in my current state, but taking on four. . . 

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