2. An Understanding

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        I stare up at this man my mouth slightly parted in shock, unable to speak. He looks taken back as well, his green glowing eyes swirling in confusion. For a spilt second I can smell his fear but then he closes his eyes and backs away in what i can only assume is an attempt to regain his confidence.

"What did you say?" I finally managed to muster nervously, my whole body tense. My dark blue stormy eyes staring at him in disbelief. It's not that I didn't hear him and what he said, It's that I couldn't believe he said it. And just like that I was no longer angry at my capture was I upset. How could this have happened! This wasn't meant to happen!  I've been running for as long as I can remember but now I sit here bound to this chair and as scary as that is, it was even more incredibly terrifying to now be bound to this person in a way I never intended on being bound to anyone. We sit there for a while, my question lingering in the air and he doesn't answer, instead he just walks out leaving me alone in the disturbingly white room with my thoughts. 

After a while I allow my mind to wonder, thinking about what comes next and if I will ever get back to the outside world. I finally shake myself from my trance when the thought of being found crosses my mind and as soon as I pull my self back into reality my body feels overwhelmingly cold. It is as if I've been hit by a brick. I can feel my wolf starting to take over, the absence of the man making me annoyingly weak. Deep within me there is an indescribable urge to be close to him that has suddenly been awoken and it is clear to me that my wolf has already excepted the inevitable, but me on the other hand. . . I am still unsure. I ponder over the idea of rejecting my new found mate, but I rule it out knowing that if I decide to go this route my chances of survival are slim and dying of a broken heart is not exactly the way I envisioned my demise.

I try to remind my wolf that we should be running and we need to get away, however she doesn't listen and instead she continues to whine and mop about.  I stay like this for hours, tied to this metal chair forced to deal with my internal struggle. After a while my eyes grow heavy and I drift off to sleep. My body tired of fighting my wolf, and the overwhelming exertion from her missing our new found mate.

When I open my eyes again the first thing I notice is that my surroundings have drastically changed. I sit up looking around the room I am in. The walls are painted a nice navy blue and it is sparsely furnished, I can tell its a bedroom due to the fact I'm sitting on a king size bed that faces a door. I force my aching body out of the bed and I notice that my mangled wrist is now wrapped up in a spilt limiting my movement. I reach up and feel that the cuts from the white room have also been tended to and my heart begins to race. Quickly I move over to the door which I believe, or rather hope leads out of the room. However, when I go to try to open it I noticed the door locked from the outside and with that I come to the realization I'm not going to get away and my hopes of escape are yet again demolished.

I turn back around and notice to my right a large mahogany dresser with a mirror sat on top of it. I walk over to the mirror looking at my almost unrecognizable reflection. My long black hair twisted and tangled into knots. My skin extremely pale from the lack of nutrition. i run my finger across my facial bones which are protruding out slightly more than usual and they are paired with large deep bags underneath my ocean blue eyes from the lack of sleep. In other words, I look like I should no longer be alive. No wonder he thought I was a rogue. I look away from my reflection and down to the clothes that are now on my body which I immediately recognize are not mine. I am now wearing a brown cotton t-shirt that reeks of unknown wolf, and a pair of baggy sweatpants with and elastic waist band pulled tight enough to hold them around my petite bony waist. My head snaps up when I hear the door I was attempting to break out of swing open. In an instant I look back to the mirror waiting for the intruder to come closer, not wanting to yet meet their face. Slowly the refection of the man from before appears and my breathing hitches, my body tensing in his presence. my wolf inconveniently waking back up urging me to move closer, but I stand my ground.

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