Chapter One

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Enzo is six years old. He is Romanian, Spanish, French and British. The small boy doesn't talk much but can you blame him. Living in an abusive orphanage does a lot to kid. The boy even taught himself ASL (American Sign Language) so he did have to talk to much. But what happens when this young boy gets adopted by Sebastian Stan? How is this boys life changed?

Enzo was at the park. The orphanage owner, Mr. Young, let him outside once a month and today was that day. The boy was very smart for his age so when heard the clock tower strike noon he had to go back. He stood up and started walking back to the orphanage. As he was walking he bumped into someone, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Imi pare rau! Nici un rezultat, te rog!" The boy cried. His go to language's are Romanian and French. So he automatically went to Romanian.

"Woah, e în regulă. Nu te voi lovi!" The boy was surprised to hear the reply to be Romanian. He slowly looked up at them from his spot on the ground.

"Esti roman?" The boy asked. The man laughed lightly. "Da sunt. Care e numele tău?" The man asked. "Lorenzo sau doar Enzo." Ezno replied, now taking a liking to this man. "Mă bucur să te cunosc, Enzo. Sunt Sebastian." The man said. "Stii engleza?" Sebastian asked. Enzo nodded.

"Where do you live kiddo?" Sebastian asked and crouched down to the boys height. "Mr. Young home for boys." Enzo replied, making the man's heart break a little. This poor boy was an orphan?

"Well, what are you doing out alone?" Sebastian asked him. "I come outside one time every month. Today is that day!" Enzo told him. The older man frowned. "Well, why don't you let me walk you back?" He asked. Enzo nodded. Sebastian smiled and stood up. He held his hand out for the boy to grab, which he gladly did and they walked to the orphanage.

"Do you know any other languages?" Sebastian asked, trying to get to know him more. "Uh huh! I know Spanish and French!" The boy said, his British accent very clear when he spoke. "That's so cool, Enzo!" Sebastian smiled. He looked down and saw Enzo smile a tired smile. Sebastian stopped walking and picked the boy up. Enzo just laid his head on Sebastians shoulder the man continued to the orphanage.

He got to the front step and he immediately felt how terrible this place was. The man sighed and noticed Enzo had fallen asleep. Sebastian walked through the front door and there was a little bell that went off. "Lorenzo! You piece of shit! You were supposed to be home fifteen minutes ago!" He heard a man yell. He heard someone stomp over.

When they got into view they froze.

"Hello there! How may I help you?" The man asked with a fake smile. "I'm here to adopt Enzo." Sebastian said. The man looked shocked but then glared. "You can't have him!" The man growled. "Okay, I'll just call the police." Sebastian said and started to get his phone out.

"Wait!" The man said. Sebastian looked up and him and raised a single eyebrow. "I'll get the papers!" He growled quietly. Sebastian smiled and walked to the office. Sebastian felt Enzo stir a little. "Shhhhhh." Sebastian whispered and bounced him lightly. The boy stopped stirring and Sebastian kissed his head.

The man got the papers and Sebastian signed them before leaving. He got outside and called the police anyway. He started walking back to his hotel since it wasn't a far walk.

He got to the hotel and in the lobby he saw Robert Downey Jr himself. "Hey Downey." Sebastian said. "Sea bass, who's this?" Downey asked a little loud. "Sh, he's asleep!" Sebastian quietly scolded. "This is Enzo." Sebastian told him. "Why do you have a child?" Downey asked. "I adopted him." Sebastian said. Downey raised his eyebrows at the answer.

"In the middle of filming? Are you crazy!" Downey said as they walked to the elevator. "Well, if you saw a six year old at the park alone and then starts crying and begging you not to hit him when he accidently bumps into you what would you do?" Sebastian asked. "He's six?" Downey asked. Sebastian nodded as they stepped onto the elevator.

"He looks like he's four!" Downey said as he looked at the tiny boy in Sebastians arms. "Yeah, I know!" Sebastian sighed. They rode the elevator up to his room and Sebastian unlocked the door. "Well, I came to tell you that we need to film today." Downey said as Sebastian put his keys on the counter.

"Shit! I forgot!" Sebastian said quietly. "What about Enzo? I'm not gonna leave him alone!" Sebastian asked. "Hey! Chill, he can hang with Susan and Hemsworths wife and kids." Downey told the younger man. "Okay." Sebastian sighed. Downey grabbed a soda from the fridge for Sebastian and they left.

"Bastan?" They heard as Enzo sat up. Sebastian coo'd at how Enzo said his name. "Yeah baby?" Sebastian asked as they got in the elevator again. "Where we going?" Enzo asked and looked at him. "I gotta go to work so you're gonna hang out with some friends of mine okay?" Sebastian told him. "You leave me?" Enzo asked with his bottom lip stuck out. "No! Of course not! It's only for a little bit them we can got eat dinner and come back okay?" Sebastian told him. Enzo nodded and then noticed the other man with them.

"Enzo this is my friend Robert Downey Jr." Sebastian said and motioned to Downey. "My name Robert!" Enzo said excitedly. "Really?" Sebastian asked with a shocked expression even though he already knew. "That's cool buddy! We can be the Robert buddies!" Downey said making Enzo smile. "So what's your name?" Downey asked him. "Lorenzo Robert and I'm six!" Enzo said. "That's so cool!" Downey said making the boy giggle.

They got down and they quickly went to the car, easily avoiding paparazzi. They got in the back seat while the driver took them to set. Enzo sat on Sebastians lap with his back to his chest. "So, Enzo, you're gonna hang out with my wife and kids along with our friends Chris's wife and kids." Downey said. "Okay." Enzo said softly and played with Sebastians fingers.

"Hey you know what?" Sebastian asked Enzo. "What?" Enzo asked. "Chris's wife and daughter speak Spanish too!" Sebastian told him. "Really?" Enzo asked and looked up at him. "Mhm!" Sebastian nodded and him. Enzo looked back down at Sebastians hands and continued to play with his fingers.

"He knows Spanish?" Downey asked. "Yeah. Spanish, Romanian and French." Sebastian told him. "Wow!" Downey said, surprised. "His birth certificate said he was born in Romania but moved to France when he was two then he moved to Bradford when he was four and then when he was five he moved to the U.S. and his father was Spanish." Sebastian told the man. "Wow!" Downey said, impressed but also sad that the boy moved so much at a young age.

"Bastan, sunt infometat." Enzo said. "Vom lua ceva mâncare în curând." Sebastian replied. "What?" Downey asked. "He's hungry." Sebastian told him. "Ahh." Downey said softly. "Driver." Downey said. "Yes sir?" The driver replied. "Take us to burger king first." Downey said. "Yes sir!" The driver replied and Sebastian lightly laughed as Downey complete changed where they were going.

They got to burger king and they went through the drive-through so Downey could order quickly. They got the food and they were off again.

"Here kiddo!" Downey said and handed a box of chicken nuggets to Enzo. "Thank you!" Enzo replied and took the box and began eating. They soon got to set and they got out. Luckily there weren't any paparazzi so they easily made it inside. "Sebastian! Downey! You're late!" They heard. "Who's this?" A tall man with short blonde hair asked.

"Hemsworth, this is Enzo, my son." Sebastian said. Hemsworth gave him a look and Sebastian mouthed an I'll tell you later. "Well, Enzo it's nice to meet you, I'm Chris!" The man said. "Hi." Enzo said softly and kept his back against Sebastians legs and his left hand holding Sebastians left hand. "Come on, let's go see Susan and Chris's family!" Downey said. Sebastian followed Chris as he led them to the families.

"Hi!" Downey said and walked up. "Daddy!" A little girl cheered and ran to Chris. "Hello!" Chris said, picking her up and kissed her cheek. "This is Enzo. Mind if he plays with you today?" Chris asked her. "Okay!" She said and Chris put her down. "Now, Enzo. You be good okay?" Sebastian said and crouched down to look at the small boy. "Okay." Enzo said and surprised the man by hugging him. Sebastian hugged back and kissed his head.

"Oh! India here knows Spanish too!" Sebastian told Enzo. "Really?" He asked and Sebastian nodded. "You have fun okay?" Sebastian said and stood up. "Okay!" Enzo said the the wives took the kids to Susan's house for the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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