A Trouble Child

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10 years ago

"Mister Lockwood?"


A middle aged woman reached her hand across the mahogany desk to grip that of the man seated beside a young boy, who was clearly uncomfortable- shifting from buttock to buttock, hitting the right leg of the chair with the heel of his foot, and staring at the floor.

"Vice Principle Paula Anderson. Pleasure to meet you."

"You as well, miss. What... did he do this time?"

The woman then turned her attention to the boy, raised an eyebrow, and asked, "Flint? Would you like to explain to your father what happened, or should I?"

Flint, trying to avoid his father's gaze, shifted his own to the potted plant in the corner of the office, crossed his arms, and muttered, "I got into an argument with Brent, and I punched him in the face as hard as I could. I wish he could just shut up and stop calling Sam and I 'the nerd herd' and mind his own business. He's just... using Mom's death as an excuse to taunt me..."

"... I know you miss your mother, Flint, but that gives you no right to take out that combination of grief and anger on your peers. Do I make myself clear?"

sigh "Yes, Miss Anderson."

"Good. Now go grab your belongings from your locker and wait for your father in the lobby."

Without another word, the young boy stood, sending the plastic chair he had been seated on flying backwards into the wall and stormed off- muttering under his breath and calling her a few choice words. Tim sighed, "I don't know what's gotten into him but, ever since Fran passed, he just hasn't been able to move on. I've noticed that he's also been isolating himself from people other than myself, Samantha, and Manny, and, when he is around anyone else besides us, he's either apprehensive or aggressive. I mean- there's been days where it seems like he, Brent and his gang, and Gill get along with one another but, otherwise, they're constantly arguing or actually beating each other up."

"Have you... ever considered having Flint evaluated?"

Tim's unibrow furrowed, "Evaluated? For what?"

"ADHD. OCD. Aspergers. Anxiety. Depression," the vice principal listed the names of a few mental and behavioral disorders. "Flint really is a good kid. I know it. After all, he has had straight A's in all of his classes, usually knows when he's about to get fired up and lash out at someone so he can go for a walk or run around the race track, and has a couple of close friends. But I also have to agree with you. Lately, your son has been a trouble child. His grades are slipping even though he knows the answers on his assignments and exams, he's been extremely obnoxious in class- either interrupting the teacher or his peers during a group discussion, belching, or passing gas, and blowing his top so easily that not even Sam nor Manny want to be anywhere near him."

"Has he hurt either of them in the past week or couple of weeks?"

"He tends to show physical aggression toward other men his age than toward those who are older than him or young women. So physically hurting them- no. Emotionally- yes."


"Mister Lockwood. If Flint keeps up this behavior... not only will he have no friends, but he'll also be expelled from this school. Take him in to be evaluated so we can find out what the problem is, and then find a solution to it. Please."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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