The Forest

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Sorry I took so long. Well here it is, part five! I believe I am going to end it here. Enjoy!

A couple of hours later Licht kicked Lawless. "We still aren't out of this damn forest! You got us lost!"
"I swear we were walking straight, yet when we went the opposite direction we were going, we still are stuck in this forest! How is this even possible!?" Lawless spoke irritated with all the trees around him. Lawless was so annoyed by their location that he didn't tease Licht, or complain about the angels kicks.
"Ugh! I can't get cell service!" Lawless growled, feeling an extreme urge to throw his phone. Lawless was muttering to himself and didn't realize the sound of a twig snapping close to them. However, Licht recognized the fact that they were being watched.
Licht equipped his boots ready for a fight. When Lawless saw the glowing boots he groaned. "You want to fight me now Licht? I don't think this is the time angel!"
"Shut up demon!" Licht snarled trying to listen.
"If you want me to shut up so badly then why don't you make me!" Lawless shouted readying his rapier. He was already irritated from being stuck in a forest for multiple hours. He didn't want to deal with Licht's crap but felt like he had no choice, so he was going to show Licht not to mess with him right now.
"Listen!" Licht growled getting annoyed by Hyde's arrogance.
"No Licht, you listen to me! I have been trying to get out of here and all you have been doing is following me! If all you want to do is kick me for trying to get you out, then I guess I will knock you out so that I can get us out of here in piece!"
Licht ran to Lawless and kicked him away, feeling fangs crunching into his leg where Hyde's neck was a few seconds before. Lawless got up about to attack Licht when he realized what happened. Licht kicked a wolf off him and tried to fight, but fell when he tried to stand on his right leg. Then Lawless saw multiple wolves circling Licht preparing to pounce.
"No!" Lawless shouted as he lunged at a wolf that was jumping on Licht. He removed his blade from the beast's heart and ran to Licht, putting himself between Licht and the rabid dogs.
"Baka Hyde!" Licht sighed trying to get up. He winced in pain and fell back down.
"Licht-tan stay down!" Lawless yelled at Licht stabbing another wolf through the skull.
Finally Lawless disposed of all of the wolves and ran over to Licht. "Licht are you alright?"
"I'm fine you moron!"
Lawless started to roll up Licht's blood-soaked pants. The bone was showing and was obviously splintered. "Licht-tan!"
"I told you I'm fine didn't I?"
"You're obviously not fine! We need to get you to a hospital before you bleed out!"
Lawless looks around, "Ugh! Well, at least we can wrap it." Lawless took off his scarf and wrapped it around Licht's leg. "How do we get out of this stupid forest?" Hyde complained desperately.
"We fly."
"What? You can't fly right now! You need your legs in order to use your boots!"
"You're right 'I' can't fly right now."
"Then why did you mention it!"
"Because you can fly! Idiot!"
Lawless gasped in realization, "Sorry, I forgot, since it's been so long since I have had blood!"
"Baka nezumi!" Licht growled and stuck out his arm.
Hyde hesitated and then put a grin on his face, "Wow Licht-tan! I get blood! You're so kind!"
Lawless snickered and bit Licht's arm. Orange chains appeared around the vampire's neck, and purple chains chain themselves to Licht's ankle, connecting the two.
"Alright, Let's go!" Lawless tried to grab Licht bridal style.
"Hell no!" Licht slapped Lawless away.
"Well how do we get out of here then!?"
  "Like this." Licht wrapped his arm around Hyde's chest.
The blonde teen blushed, "This incredibly dangerous! I should just hold..."
"I said no! It will be fine if you hold on too."
Lawless blushed even more and wrapped his arm around Licht. "Let's go then."
Embarrassed, Lawless lifted off the ground and headed to the nearest hospital. With the wind making Licht cold, he cuddled up even closer to Lawless. 'Why does it feel so good to be next to him?' Licht thought to himself as he started blushing. When Lawless felt Licht get closer his mind pondered the question, 'Should I confess my love to him?'
Lawless landed at the hospital, the chains disappeared, and he help Licht into the emergency room. The doctors stitched Licht's leg up and put him in a cast. He was given the order to be gentle and only walk on it when he had to. They were then released to go home.
Surprised that Licht let him, Hyde help Licht walk home. Lawless stuck Licht in his bed. "Sorry Licht, if I had listened to you and shut up this wouldn't have happened!" Lawless muttered quietly.
"Baka nezumi! I don't blame you."
"But I ..."
"I said I don't blame you!" Licht barked at the self doubting animal.
"I love you Licht-tan" Hyde muttered making up his mind to tell Licht how he felt.
When Licht heard those words his heart fluttered. Lawless look nervous as he waited for Licht to reply. Licht was shocked, yet he felt happy, 'Why, I hate him, he's a stupid demon! But why do I want to tell him I feel the same? What should I say?'
"Licht, I know you told me to want something, so I decided I want you!"
The ravenette was completely shocked. He wanted three things when he was a kid: To talk to animals, fly, and play the piano. Hyde had given him two of those things. However, now he was an adult, what was it he wanted now? The answer was obvious.
"Hyde, I want you too! I love you!" Lawless happy, ran to Licht and kissed him.

  I feel sad saying I'm finished, but I think it's cute as it is. I think if I may make another story, it will either be a MahiKuro or an actual story with plot. If you guys have any preferences than please tell me!

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