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For future reference, the name 'Kaelen' is pronounced Kee-Lynn :)
Picture of Casper →

Sometimes you can't let go of what's making you sad because it was the only thing that made you happy.


I slept in until almost 2 in the afternoon. I honestly didn't even care about leaving my bed, but of course Kami had to intervene.

She gave my door two knocks before entering without permission. I should've locked the door.

"What if I was naked?" I groaned.

She sent me a blank stare. "Nash, I've seen you naked like six times."

"Yes, because you waltz into my room at the oddest times."

"Understood. My punishment will always be the fact that I can never unsee that one guy fapping on top of you. Anyway! I have a list of jobs I applied you to, and their websites. Your part is just to go back and fill in your personal information like social security and all that jazz." She handed me a sheet of paper.

I reluctantly accepted it then looked at her. "I don't wanna do this."

"It beats working at a brothel."

"I make a lot of money there. I literally just have to go there like... twice a week and I'd still make a ton more than these... jobs." I glanced at the sheet of paper.

"Okay, but at least you're not selling your body with these. I'm just trying to help."

"And I appreciate it but... I guess working at the brothel gives me pleasure for some time. I need that."

She sat down next to me. "That feeling is only temporary."

"Let me guess. You're gonna say that I should seek out something more permanent, something that's pure, and that Rowan could be good for me."

Kami lifted her eyebrows then nodded. "Yeah. I mean, I was gonna segue into all that more smoothly, but yeah, that sums it up pretty well."

I sat up and leaned against my pillows. "And what about your love life, huh?" I redirected the attention.

"Nonexistent." She puckered her lips.

"Seriously? You're the prettiest girl I know. Don't tell Ava."

She rolled her eyes. "It's nonexistent by choice, idiot. Once I start my internship at the law firm, I'm going to fuck half the building. I'm up for a lil' scandal." She smirked at me.

"As your dearest friend, I support you in all your endeavors."

She winked at me. "No worries. For your sake, Rowan's off limits. Everyone else is fair game."

"Isn't that a little risqué for you? Not that I'm judging, but you're such a... good girl. What if this jeopardizes your internship?"

"Oh, relax, Nash. I only said half the building." She ruffled my hair and stood up. "I have to work today, but you should definitely give your other friends a call and hang out with them."

"They're busy, I'm sure. Doing great things, contributing to society." She sent me a flat look. "Am I lying?" I said.

"I suppose not. I just hope you're not putting yourself down at the same time. Seriously, call someone. Casper should be out of class, you could visit him and Dawn. Or there's Ava; she loves going out to eat. I need that girl's metabolism. 'Kay, bye! I need to get ready."

"Have a good day."

"You too!"

She closed my room door behind her, and I got up to clean myself up. I wasn't doing anything with my life today, so I decided to take Kami's advice and call Casper.

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