He's Angry

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It's been two weeks since that whole incident with Ethan happened. It didn't traumatize me at all, but it made me realize Yara was telling the truth.

Yara and I still hang out when she is at school. Although she isn't often, and it's hard to hang out with her at school. I can tell she's changing. Not for the better, I know that much.

But I haven't talked with Ethan at all.

Yara and I walked into the choir room, we were early.

"I love getting to choir early" Yara put her bag down.

"Same," I also put my bag down, "We get some time to relax".

Yara looked at the risers, looked disturbed, then immediately went on her phone.

I looked where she did, and saw James.

"Why do you not like James?" I whispered to Yara.

"Because he likes... him" Yara took a deep breath.

I didn't answer.

"At least you believe me".

I nodded.

"God I don't wanna be here" Yara leaned against the wall.

"Kat!" I heard James yell.

I looked at James, and smiled.

James walked over, "Can I talk to you for a minute?".

I nodded, "Ill be back Yara".

Yara smiled faintly, James and I went outside.

"Ethan told me about something".

I felt a tiny bit scared.

"You told Yara he tried to rape you".

I tried to speak, but I couldn't answer.

"Don't tell anyone".

"Why can't I?" I glared.

"Because I don't want him getting in trouble for something he didn't do".

I looked enraged.

"There's a shit ton of people in this school who lie about him, and he doesn't need his friends turning on him".

I couldn't speak.

James was about to go inside.

"Go fuck yourself James".

James looked at me, with a hurt look.

"You can't say that just because he's your friend. Yara is telling the truth, because I've witnessed it. She has problems so she doesn't need people like you being an asshole".

"I'm not being an asshole" James glared.

"You're being an asshole!" I yelled.

James didn't answer.

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do, because that makes you just as bad as Ethan".

James grew angry, "Ethan is not a bad person".

"Ethan is a terrible person if he's raped multiple women".

"Shut the fuck up before someone hears you" James started to sound sad.


James screamed.

I felt myself smile internally, but not on the outside.

"Jesus Christ you're just as obnoxious as every other Grade nine".

"And you're just as bad as the rapist".

"I'm leaving" James rushed off.

I watched him leave.

"We're starting" Yara spoke softly.

"Did you hear anything from outside?".

Yara shook her head.

I took a deep breath.

"Where's James?".

"I don't know" I climbed to our place in the riser.

Everyone got settled, and did choir. James didn't come in at any point in time, which I was kinda glad about.

I didn't see him at lunch, nor anywhere around the school. I found out from one of his friends, he was at home sick.

I knew that wasn't true.

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