CH.6 "Hurt"

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You were passing back and forth outside of Hoseok's room your mind full of all of the worst possible scenarios.

Please tell me he's okay. I will never forgive myself if something bad happens. I should've never went out on my own. What was I thinking. I'm not ready yet. I don't know how to use my real powers yet.

Your consumed in your thoughts and then you hear the sound of the door creak open and a head pop out it.

"He's okay y/n. He just needs some time to heal. Do you want to come in?" Jimin said and opened the door for you and stood aside for you to walk through.

You walk in and the first thing you search for is Hoseok and there he is. He's lying in his bed, eyes closed and a blanket covering the lower half of his body. He looks a bit better but he's covered in sweat and he has his eyes closed. You walk towards him and all you feel is worry every step you get closer. All of the members are inside the room minding their own business and some on their phones except Taehyung. He's looking right at you. His eyes are bright red and a frown is on his face. You feel uneasy.

You look down at Hoseok'a face and see some scratch marks and his mouth is slightly open. A tear escapes your eyes and lands on his right cheek. His eyes flutter open and the first thing you notice is the slight flash of blue as he turns slightly over to see you and you freeze.

"You really are dumb you know that" his voice is deep and slightly raspy which makes you gasp.He looks up at you but his face is clear of any emotion. The other members all gather around him shocked that he woke up so fast.

All you can do is stare down at him wide eyed.

"Why do i keep risking my life for you. Your not worth it" he looks away from your eyes and your heart sinks to the bottom of your stomache. You blink the tears that are threatening to escape you eyes and glare down at him.

"THEN WHY DO YOU KEEP SAVING ME THEN. LET ME DIE IF YOU HATE ME SO MUCH!" You couldn't stand him anymore. You yelled right at his face and some of the members flinched at the loudness of your voice.

"BECAUSE YOUR TO STUPID AND WEAK TO DEFEND YOURSELF!" He yelled and sat up hissing at the pain he felt from the wounds.

Your eyes softened a bit but you could feel the tears coming again and you didn't bother to stop them this time.

"Why don't you just let me die. Id rather not be alive anymore. I have no one anymore. Everyone thinks I'm dead anyway" you clenched your jaw and saw that his eyes flashed blue again but he just glared right back at you, not moving one bit.

Jimin grabbed your hand interwinding your fingers together. You looked at him and saw that he also had tears in his eyes but his eye color flashed a bright green and he pulled you into his arms wrapping around out tightly.

"No. Please don't die. It's my fault. Yell at me. Hit me. Kill me. I don't care I deserve it. Look what I did to you. For not being smart and looking out for you." He buried his face in your shoulder and you felt his body shake slightly against you, He held you tightly in his arms.

"Jimin." You relaxed in his arms and placed a hand on top of his head.
"It's not your fault. It's mine. Hoseok is right. I am stupid and dumb. I put myself in danger and still am. I'll just never leave. I seem to always put you all in danger. I'm sorry." You talked softly and ran your hand through his hair and pat his back trying to comfort your best friend.

"Ah get out! All of you! Leave me alone!" Hoseok yelled and Jimin let go of you glaring behind you to him. He looked beyond pissed and if it weren't for him being in the state he is now , he would beat the shit out of him.

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