The misunderstanding - Part 1

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This one shot is derived from the meme above. 😂

Why this one shot, you ask? Because this author is bored and uninspired for her current works🤷‍♀️


Kongpob paced the floor of his apartment. His head was pounding. His mouth felt like a mouse died inside. His appearance was hell. His phone was in his hand and he was clenching it in his fist, silently asking for a miracle to happen. But it was too late. His luck sucked terribly these days. He had already got dumped by his boyfriend, his friends had already got him drunk because of his heartbreak and in a last drunk attempt to make his ex-boyfriend to feel bad for leaving him, he sent him a dick picture that was not even his! Go figure his drunk logic! He closed his eyes in despair because due to his failed attempt, he was about to lose his job now! Why? Because that last attempt of his to impress his ex-boyfriend misfired. Instead of sending the picture to him, he sent it to his NEMESIS aka ex-supervisor, P'Arthit. He sobbed as he crumbled down. Gone was his internship!!


To: Kongpob Sutthiluck

From: Arthit Rojnapat

Subject: Meeting

My office. At 8.

Kongpob closed his eyes as he read the mail. There had never been a drier mail like this before. Arthit was mad. Very mad. "Shit!", whispered Kongpob as he threw his phone on the bed. He went straight for the bathroom to try to drown himself in the bath. Nah just kidding. He just had to make himself presentable for the monster. The monster being his ex-supervisor, P'Arthit. Hence a long shower was badly needed. And forty minutes later, a fresh Kongpob appeared, wearing only a towel. He walked to his wardrobe and tried to find a shirt that would make him look the best. Impressions, Kongpob. Impressions. He sighed, closing his eyes. "Pretty sure he got the best impression of me when I sent him that pic!", he muttered bitterly. Ugh, he was so going to die.

At 8 a.m sharp, he walked to Arthit's office. At this time, no one had arrived yet and Kongpob was a bit thankful that no one would see him get sacked. But the silence in the office was so ominous. He shuddered and knocked at the monster's door. A quiet "come in" was immediately heard and Kongpob took a deep breath as he opened the door. His eyes found Arthit, sitting and looking straight at Kongpob with icy eyes. The latter's heart skipped a beat and he gulped, fear in his throat. When Arthit got up, placing the paper in his hand on the table, Kongpob involuntarily flinched. Arthit hitched his eyebrow up: "What, scared? The so fearless intern is now afraid?" Kongpob gritted his teeth but kept his mouth shut. There was no need to anger the beast any further. He stared at Arthit's tie and thought to himself: "Just fire me already!"

His eyes widened when that same tie started to come closer to him. He raised his panicking eyes towards those of his ex-supervisor. Arthit smiled coldly as he came to stand very close to him. He then said: "So, after humiliating me with that comment of making me your wife on the very first week of your internship, now you dare to send me this??" Kongpob tried to lower his gaze. He could not stare into those cold and angry eyes and concentrate at the same time. He whispered as he continued to clench his jaw: "It- it was not supposed to be sent to you, P and the comment of me making you as my wife was because-." Arthit said coldly: "Do I look like I care why you said it at that time??" Kongpob silently just shook his head. He kept looking at the button of Arthit's shirt when he suddenly heard: "Look at me." 

Startled, he raised his head and Arthit stared at him for a long moment and Kongpob started to squirm under that gaze. But then Arthit turned his back and asked: "Last night was a tough night?" Confused by the sudden question, Kongpob stayed quiet. His supervisor went to sit down back on his chair and said: "Pack your things-" Kongpob sighed. There, it was. He was getting fired. "and bring them here. As from now, you'll work here. As my assistant." Kongpob who was about to turn his back heard that last part and nodded absently. He walked to the door and reached for the knob when the words Arthit said finally got processed in his head. He turned to look at Arthit in shock and said: "You did not say what I just heard, right?" Arthit simply said: "And drink some coffee? I don't need any assistant of mine to be nodding off."

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