~The sleepy boy at the bus stop~

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"Slow down! Even if you miss the bus, your dad can get you to school!", warned Sanren as she frowned at her son who was gulping down his breakfast.  And he instantly shook his head. He did not want to go to school by car. He wanted to go by bus. He would have his friends to talk to. Nie Huisang, Jiang Cheng and Wen Ning would be updating him on the new games. And...by going by bus, he would get to see him. Wei Wuxian smiled dreamily with his mouth full of toast as he thought about him. It had been two months since the Wei family moved to this residential area and Wei Ying could finally enjoy the luxury of travelling by bus to go to his new school. He loved it. Being very attentive to details, he loved to examine people around him. With his earphones on, he would just scan around him at the bus stop as he waited for the bus that would take him to his school. 

It was then that he made a new discovery. A young boy wearing the same university uniform as him, was leaning against the bus shelter and had his eyes closed. It was easier to scrutinize someone when that person was not aware of it. Wei Wuxian took all his time to admire the features of the boy. Absently he realised that the current song that he had been listening was over and the next one was already halfway. Which meant that he had been staring at the boy for more than 6 minutes. Which also meant that the boy still had his eyes closed and had remained still for more than 6 minutes. Now intrigued, he shamelessly continued to stare at him. He wanted to know if the boy was actually sleeping in this position. Eventually, three songs later, a bus came to the bus stop and honked. The sleeping boy opened his eyes lazily and he looked straight at Wei Wuxian. Their eyes met and then he blinked several times as he stopped his own staring. He walked slowly towards the door of the bus. It was only when the bus had left that Wei Wuxian opened his bottle of water and drank plenty of water. His mouth had been so dry when he felt those sleepy eyes on him.

Even now as Wei Wuxian walked to the bus stop, his eyes searched for him. He sat at the bus stop, his sketchpad on his lap as he waited. When he finally saw him walking slowly towards his usual place, he smiled softly as he readied his pencil and opened his sketchpad to finish his drawing. And when the boy closed his eyes, Wei Ying started to draw. That person had the features that made you stop in your tracks and stare. Having imagining it so many times, Wei Wuxian wanted to bring that handsomeness on paper and imprison it there again. Glancing once more at the tousled dark brown hair, he sighed. He wished he could bring it justice though. His nose slender and rounded, his fair skin and his dreamy eyes. Wei Ying sighed again as his pencil moved over the paper. He closed the sketchpad when the bus came. He usually waited for the boy to get on the bus before he followed him.

But today, he decided to get on the bus before him in case the handsome boy noticed his stalking. Yep, he knew what he was doing was a kind of stalking and he was a bit ashamed of it. He turned his face towards the window in an attempt of not looking at the guy getting in the bus. He was making success towards the path of not becoming a stalker, right? He relaxed when the bus started to move and he closed his eyes. Today, Jiang Cheng's dad would drop him directly at the university, Wen Ning was calling sick and Nie Huisang was simply too lazy to wake up, so Wei Ying was the only one going to class. He better sleep since he knew the morning class would be very boring. Well at least, he saw the handsome guy today. One good thing, huh? Now he was sure he was going to have a good day too.

He was not far of the truth either because when he opened his eyes again, he found himself leaning on someone's shoulder and the bus had stopped. Raising his head in haste, he turned to apologise to that person for his sleepy mistake. "I am so sorry that I fell asleep on-" He soon stopped talking when he realised who had been sitting next to him all the time. The sleepy and handsome boy at the bus stop!! He swore his jaw had dropped to the floor. The guy finally spoke and what he said made Wei Ying freeze. "Oh don't be sorry. We are practically married now that we have napped together. I am Lan Wangji and you are?" "I am gay.", replied the dumb Wei Wuxian.


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