Chapter 10

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I am a monster.

I had already accepted Kusuo was going to walk away and leave me behind. I knew he would. They always do. Who wants to love a murder. A broken, monster.

"(y/n) i-
" You want to break up cause I'm monster. I understand l-"

I was slapped around the face and it was definitely going to leave a mark.

" But i am. "
" I love you! The past is your past. You are not that person anymore. You are the person i want to protect and love with all of my heart. I will not accept you calling yourself a monster when your not! "
" Bloody hell that was out of character for you. But thank you... For not abandoning me and for deciding to stick with me. "
" Of course i would, i love you. "

Well that was fun...
We decided to cuddle into each other as we watched the sunset in Hawaii.

This meant... We are going to be extremely late. Like an hour or two!

Kusuo kept hugging me and loosened when the sun had set.
" We best get to school. Or we will miss the whole school day."
"I'd be alright with that as long as you are by my side."

I guess Kusuo had a change of heart because the second i stood he pulled me into his lap.
He snuggled his face into the crook of my neck.
"Let me stay like this. Just for a little while."
I was blushing like mad and it didn't help that his breath was crawling along my skin.
His embrace and his loving warmth. I could get to this. Actually i never want it to disappear.

"i guess we really should get going otherwise my parents might kill me."
"pffftttt~ they wouldn't hurt a fly."

Although i was laughing, Kusuo wasn't... They didn't have that side to them... Did they?

Kusuo got up and gave me a hand.
I had plans though.
I held his hand and ran till we jumped of the cliff.
I kid you not, he literally screamed like a girl.
Just before we hit the sea i teleported us onto the school roof.

"That was fun! Lets do it again sometime."
"i can't feel my pulse. Am i dead?"
"it wasn't that bad. Drama queen."
"You could have warned me!"
"Why? There is no fun in that."
"Right now, we are not friends."

I pretended to be hurt and made myself cry.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please don't cry. I love you."
I instantly stopped crying and smiled.
"That's good then. Shall we head to class."
"At the same time?"
"Oh ye. You go first ill wait a bit."

I sent him on his way and finally had a chance to do the one thing i missed.
Being 20 and not drinking or smoking because people believe I'm 17 sucks balls.
What of i told... No.
I want to stay with Kusuo even if it means repeating this stupid school.
I could totally get A+.
Ah man, this time i could totally be who the hell I want. I could be successful.
It had been 40 minutes and i made my way into class.
"Ye im here. I don't care that im late blah blah blah."
I took my seat, and everyone looked at me with disbelief as i was rude when i entered and i seemed like the polite, timid type so everyone was slightly shocked.
The class went on and after school, was not what i was expecting.

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