Beginning -part 2

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Kali pov
When I heard the news , I just wanted to go and slap gauri for what she has done
But a sudden call from shivaay's wife changed my mind
She told me about the plotting of my wife and ishana
It was enough of an eye opener for me but when a private investigator showed me the cc tv footage of my wife ill treating a pregnant  gauri
That was enough for the hell to brake loose
Svethlana pov
I was thinking for a way
To get ishana in oberoi mansion
I was discussing my plan when ..
kali: so you both have not stopped destroying
My daughters life
What has she done to your people
Svethlana: kali .. I
Kali: shut up woman
I hate you
I cannot see you in the eye
Ishana : papa why are you talking to mama like that
Kali: who is your papa
Don't know whoes child you were
But I gave you my name and kept you in the house
Svethlana: kali..
Kali: truth hurts right
I bought you in this house only as gauris mother
And you came into this house because you were pregnant and wanted a roof over your head
This is how you repay me ?
Get lost svethlana
You don't deserve to be here anymore
Gauri : maa your coffee
Jhanvi: it's not needed gauri
You shouldn't have done that
Gauri: why not
You came all the way to take care of me right
Jhanvi: I would have done anything for you
By the way do you know when om is coming back
He is so irresponsible
Gauri: I don't know mom
He suddenly left in the middle of the night
And his phone is switched off
Jhanvi: this omkara is so irresponsible
How could he leave you and the children like this
Let him come back home
I will take his class
Gauri : it's ok mom
May be he had some urgent work
Jhanvi: what urgent work gauri
Stop taking his side
He is wrong
And I'm not going to let him off the hook
I saw her at last
She was alive
A part of me wanted to run away from here
But ... I couldn't do that
She was not the one who can be easily messed with
Maya : om your here
Do you know how much I missed you ?
Now come on let's not waste our time and get married
We need to show that onerous that you only belong to me
Om: maya ... I ..
Maya : what happened om
Why are you hesitating
Don't you like me anymore
Om: maya .. you need rest
Please don't be hyper
Maya : om your hesitating right
You don't love me
Maya pov
I picked up the scalpel In the tray and  was about to cut  my self
I saw her eyes raging in madnesss
This was my deadly past my dad always brings up
I regret for even meeting this woman
Seeing her trying to cut her self
I stopped her ...
Om: maya .. no
You cannot do that
Please don't do anything
We will marry but first you need to recover
Maya : promise right
You promise to marry me right?
Om: promise maya
Now please stop being hyper
Dadi pov
After what kali said
My whole world shattered
I became a disgrace of the family for treating
Gauri like that
How could I? She was innocent in all these things
Poor her
Dadi: I'm ashamed of my actions
My gauri was not at fault but I .,,
Tej: stop it maa
Not only you
Even I was at fault
Kali: we all have done our mistakes
I think it's our time to ask for forgiveness
Dadi: yes
I will go to gauri and ask her to forgive me
For what i have done
Tej: even me
I couldn't believe that I even cut off my grand children
I'm a very heartless person
I don't know if gauri will forgive me
Shivaay:  gauri will forgive us papa
I know her my sister can never have grudges on anyone
But we need to make sure that instances like this never happen in future
And this lie must be made right
Tej: what do you mean shivaay
Shivaay :I have an idea papa
Lets get gauri and omkara married
Kali: that's a fantastic idea
I made ishana sign the papers
Before she left the home
Now we just need oms signatures
And then we can proceed with our tasks
Tej: I couldn't be more happy
Lets do this
Svethlana pov
We were thrown out
After 22 years of being a Slave in the house
My daughter was also put to shame because of this man
I promise kali I may back down now
But soon you and your daughter will have to pay for your crimes
With vengeance in our hearts
Me and my daughter  left this country for a better life and a better plan
Gauri pov
Me and mom were chitchatting about latest market trends
When the door bell began to ring continuously
We went only to find tej papa , papa , dadi and shivaay
Jhanvi; before you all come and shout at me
Yes I support gauri
And tej if you have a problem
I ...
Tej: I do have a problem jhanvi
How could you
Gauri pov
I could see mom
Dipping into crying mode
Gauri : papa
Tej: your mom didn't invite me gauri
Is isn't it wrong
Even I wanted to visit my daughter in law and my grand children
Gauri :papa
Tej: I'm sorry gauri
Please forgive me
Your papa told the truth to us
We couldn't feel more ashamed than this
Gauri : papa what are you saying
You shouldn't seek forgiveness for me
A father should never say sorry
It was my fault
Tej: you really have a heart of gold gauri
Anika pov
If some one had darkness in their hearts then its my elder sister
She was a bit crack
She never likes if anyone is happy
She tried to kill shivaay
Because she couldn't think someone would love me instead of her
But when she met omkara
She changed she left going after me and shivaay
And started to destroy omkara little by little
I tried to stop their relationship
But om was blinded in her love
He went to an extent where he was about to kill  anyone
It was after a year he knew about her real intentions and left her
And that was the day when she committed suicide by  jumping off from a building
We thought she was dead but she was in coma
And with no hope to recover
But now when she is back , I'm terrified
How are our life's going to turn into now ?
Authors pov
Another chapter completed
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