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I looked at Ashton.

"Turn around!" He spat at me.

"Listen. I'm sorry. I just wan-"

"What ever. Turn around." He said. Peyton entered the room. 

"Hey Dasiy!" 

"Nope!" The teacher yelled. "Peyton switch with...No. Dasiy switch with Becky." Oh great. The old bat moved me. I got up and grabbed my things, bringing them with me. We switched and the bell rang. All I could think about was Ashton. He truly was a puzzle. He couldn't be just an angry man, or at least one with out a reason. I don't think anyone could be that angry. It confused me. What could drive someone so far to that anger. The bell had rang. I forgot to take notes, oh well. I got up and went after Ashton, leaving Peyton. 

"Ashton wait!" I called through the halls.  I pushed people trying to keep up. Someone grabbed my arm pulling me back. "Ah!" I yelped in pain. 'Ow."

"Dasiy. Leave him." I looked to see Louis. 

"Lou. My arm. Your a lot stronger than you think." 

"Come on. Walk with me to next period."

"But I just need-"

"No." He said a little more firmly. "Just leave him be."


"No. Leave him. Okay?"


The next classes were not important. Well not important enough for me to focus. All I can think about was Ashton. He was just a puzzle. And whats up with all his tattoos. Its not that there a probem. Just that there not...normal. I didnt get him. I walked into Lunch. I saw where Ashton was sitting. A crowd of kids walked up to him. There were 5 or 6 of them. One of them being Ross. I stood up. Louis and Peyton noticed. 

"Dasiy, no." Louis said trying to grab my back pocket of my jeans. He missed. I walked foward. All of the sudden the 5 or 6 boys were running away. But, Ashton hadn't moved from his place. I walked up to Ross. 

"Ross what happened"

"He just. But. Hes." Ross couldnt speck. 

"Spit it out." I said.

"Just. Hes weird." Was all he could say. I walked over to Ashton. I sat in one of the chairs.


"Please leave." Ashton said staring at the skectbook page. "Trust me. I'm a monster." The bell rang.

"Were not done with this conversation." I said getting up. I walked to my locker alone. Louis ran up to me. 

"Dasiy. What did you say?"

"Nothing. He didn't tell me."


"Ross was scared shit less. Ashton, just sat there." I said. "Its like he is just some shell. Empty on the inside. With no life."

"Dasiy. What do you me?"

"The only thing hes filled with is anger. He seems so angry. I don't get it."

"Well were at your locker. Um you want me to walk to study hall." Louis offered. I was going to say yes when I remembered that Ashton was in my studyhall. 

"No. Lou, your gonna be late. I'm fine." I smiled.

"I don't care." He smiled. 

"Louis. It was a lovely offer but really, go to class."

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