Sam Pottorff Imagine

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His lips are soft and gentle against mine. His tongue traces my bottom lip begging for entrance into my mouth and I finally give in. Almost instantly, the delicate kiss is no more and he become rough and passionate. His lip ring feels cold and refreshing on the corner of my mouth. I playfully bite his lower lip making him moan in response. I smile releasing his lip and pull away a little, just enough to talk.

"You like that Sam?" I giggle.

He pulls away and his eyes are wide as they stare into mine. “Is that even a question, Jazmine?” He leans in and kisses me lightly. “Of course I like that.”

He kisses me again and I smile in the kiss.

"Hey Sam, Jazm- oh." Ricky says as he walks into the room. Sam and I quickly stop kissing and look at him. "My bad. Didn’t mean to break up this little… thing." He’s so awkward it’s adorable. "We have to go to the meet ‘n greet now."

"Ugh." Sam groans.

"Oh come on." I say and hook my arm around his. "It won’t be that bad." I look to Ricky now and smile. "Thanks for coming to get us Richard."

"No problem my queen." He smiles and skips out of the room.

I look back at Sam and he has an annoyed look on his face. I could only imagine what he is thinking.

"What’s that face for?" I say and poke his red cheeks with my fingers.

"I don’t want to go to this stupid meet and greet. No one wants to see me anyways. The come for the other guys," he wines. "Besides, I just want to stay here with my girl!" He kisses my cheek and I smile.

"Babe, that is not true." I lift his face so his eyes meet mine. "Plenty of girls come to see you! They all love you. You may not be their favorite but they love you just the same. And some are crazy about you! Please go." He shakes his head and I stick out my lower lip. He looks away. I know I’ve almost got him.

"For meeee." I beg.

He looks back at me. “Ugh. Fine.” He sighs. “But you have to sit next to me so I can hold your hand under the table.” He smiles and I agree to his conditions.

After an hour or so of setting up, we are all seated along this long wall and there is a crowd of people outside the room. We can’t see them but we can sure hear them. I begin to feel nervous for the amount of faces and people I will see in these next coming hours. I haven’t been doing Youtube for as long as most people here and I am nervous to meet fans. I’m even more nervous at the thought of no one coming to see me. Sam notices my bouncing legs and leans over and grabs my hand from my lap. I look over at him and he’s smiling. I smile back.

"It’s going to be okay." He reassures me and kisses my hand. "I’ll be right here."

I nod as the doors open and people pour into the room. My eyes widen as I watch them start and the beginning of the line and make their way towards me. Sam squeezes my hand and I look at him again.

"I’m right here." He repeats with a smile. I am calmed when he begins rubbing his thumb over my hand and I begin to think that I can make it through this.

As we begin to meet people I am surprise how many people actually recognize me. I am humbled by the amount of people asking for a selfie, my autograph, and with the gifts they give me. I am even taken by surprise at how many girls compliment Sam and I on how ‘cute’ of a couple we are.

Things run relatively smoothly until the end when this one girl come up to Sam and me. She looks me straight in the eye and I know she isn’t fond of me. She looks at Sam and leans close to him.

"Sup baby boo how you doin’ today?" She say to him and brushes her fingers through his lilac hair.

I can feel my face heat with anger. Sam pulls back from her touch and I’m glad he does, but that still isn’t enough for me. I stand up so I am level with her.

"Excuse me," I say to her. "That is my boyfriend you’re talking to and I would appreciate it if you kept your hands off him.”

I sit back down but she grabs a fist full of my hair keeping me up.

"What bitch?" She says and lets go of my hair. Sam’s eyes are wide and he slowly rises to his feet.

"Oh HELL no! You did not just grab my hair." I say in discussed.

"I did bitch. And what are you going to do about it?!" She yells. People around us stop what they are doing and look in our direction.

"Jazmine…" Sam says under his breath.

"No Sam!" I say silencing him. I know he is trying to protect me because this girl could easily kill me but she went too far.

"Don’t tell my baby what to do!" She defends.

"Your baby?!" I laugh. "That’s funny. Last time I checked he was kissing me before this meet n’ greet bitch. Not you."

"Jazmine," Sam says again. I look at him and my vision goes white and then pitch black.

My eyes are sealed shut and I can feel my left eye pulsating. I open my eyes… well the right one and everything is white but slowly fades into colors that make out Sams face.

"Babe," Sam sighs in relief. He leans down and kisses my lips, but his hands on my face hurt my eye and I flinch at the pain. "Oops. Sorry."

He sits up and helps me slowly sit up with him. We are all alone back in our hotel room. I look in the mirror across the room and am shocked and my deep purple eye.

"I’m so ugly." I say gently touching my swollen eye.

"Don’t." He says and grabs both my hands. "You’re beautiful." I shake my head in disagreement but he stops me and kisses my lips gently.

"Besides I think it’s sexy," he says and I laugh.

"Yeah totally. Barf." I say.

"No, you stood up for me. I mean, I wouldn’t have fought her because I don’t hit girls, but if the rolls were switched I would have done the same thing."

"Thanks, babe." I say and smile wide. "Ow." I say and stop smiling. Sam laughs.

"It’s not funny!" I say and giggle myself.

"I know. Now come here." He says and lays back on the bed. I crawl over to him and rest my head on his chest.

"I’ll protect you." He laughs.

"Shut up and kiss me ya loser."

He smiles and kisses my lips making sure not to injure me any further.

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