Jesse McCartney Imagine

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Ok so I don't really know much about Jesse McCartney other than the fact that my cousin used to be obsessed with him when we were younger and that he's a singer...was a singer? I haven't heard any news about him in recent years. So please forgive me if there are things that are incorrect or whatever. I tried! :( And seeing that Jesse McCartney is now 27, I am doing this as if he is 18 or 19 or whatever age you so desire him to be. :)

Also, this imagine was inspired by the book/movie The Fault in Our Stars because I recently just watched the movie and I've read the book and so yeah. Don't worry, there are no spoilers! :) I hope you enjoy! Feel free to send me your requests for anyone you want! I will do it just as long as I know who they are! :)


"You ready to go, honey?" Mom asks me as I finish putting my shoe on my fake left foot.

"Yep." I smile up at her after finally getting my shoe on.

About three years ago, my family and I found out that I had cancer, specifically osteosarcoma. But early last year, the doctors found a solution to my problem and a way to get rid of my cancer. So last September, they cut off my left leg. Everything from just below the knee and down is all medal. At first, I hated it. I never wore shorts or skirts. It was ugly to me and embarrassing. No one wants to loose a body part. But, now I like it. I feel all robotic and plus, it gets me in the front of all the lines at amusement parks, so I don't mind it too much.

Anyway, being a kid with cancer, you get to make a wish. Everyone knows the Make A Wish Foundation. They are pretty awesome people, the genies. They just go around making peoples day by sending them to Disney World or Hawaii. But then again, the kids are dying so it's the least this world could do.

Today happens to be the day that my genies are granting my wish. It took me no time at all do decide what I wanted for my grand ol' wish. I knew right away that I wanted this one thing and there was no changing my mind. I want to meet Jesse McCartney. That's it. I don't want anything else.

"Alright. Let's go." My mother says picking up our bags and heading towards the door.

We walk outside and there is a limo waiting for us. Mom and I exchange a look of shock and a smile spreads across my face. Today is going to be perfect. I think.

I limp to the car and when I finally make it there the limo driver opens my door for me and helps me in. I sit down and he closes it behind me.

"This is so nice." Mom says.

"Yeah. The genies really go all out!"

We live just outside of LA and we plan to meet up with Jesse at a studio somewhere in the heart of LA so it won't be much of a drive.

When we pull up to the huge building, I am memorized by the architecture of the building. The whole outside is mirrors so you can see yourself and other buildings reflecting off of it. 

The driver helps mom and I out of the car and a women walks up and greets us.

"Hello, you must be (y/n)! My name is Stacie and I will be helping you out today!" She smiles and leads us into the building.

Once we are inside, Stacie takes us straight to the top floor. When we get out of the elevator, she briefs us on what's going to happen today.

"So Jesse has the whole rest of the day to spend with you. I know it's already 3pm, but he has nothing scheduled for the rest of the day so you're free to do whatever you two would like."

Well I have some ideas, but I don't think Jesse would be down for a make out session sooo.

We get to closed double doors and Stacie turns to face mom and I.

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