New Year

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I am in serious danger of being obsessed. Just can't leave these stories alone
"I can't believe you've talked me into this Levy"
Jac called from her bedroom. She was looking at herself wearing a dusky pink strapless, floor length evening dress. It seemed a bit much for a New Year's Eve party at Albies but the tickets did say black tie.
Sacha had persuaded her to go. Usually Jac preferred to work over New Year. Jonny always took Emma to Scotland for Hogmanay and it was easier to work but this year Sacha was trying to boost his recovery by getting out and doing things that were currently out of his comfort zone. Jac knew if she bailed out he would not  go and she wanted to support him.
They had spent a quiet Christmas together with Emma who unfortunately spent the whole time banging on about Theo Fletcher and his family.
Jac rolled her eyes to herself .
Right let's do this. She slipped her feet into the 6 inch Louboutin heels that had been  a Christmas present to herself.
She slowly made her way downstairs
"Wow" said Sacha
"Well wow yourself. I do like a man in a kilt Mr Levy. How very Jewish!"
Sacha chuckled "I've got some Scottish blood in me about 4 generations back"
"You ready then Ms Naylor?"
"As I'll ever be Mr Levy"
They arrived in a cab - it seemed like the party was already in full swing.
"Open bar Jac,what you having?" Asked Sacha
"Prosecco please. To start anyway" she said winking
Turning round she spotted Fletch
"I didn't know Fletch was coming" she took a long slug of her Prosecco. He looked amazing in a tux
"Oh yeah I meant to tell you. Bernie is stuck in an airport somewhere so can't make it. Serena had a spare ticket"
Just at that moment he turned and glanced over at her. He raised his eyebrows then smiled mouthing the word "hi"
She found herself smiling back and mouthing "hi" and then he was distracted by a young staff nurse from AAU.
This is going to be hard and the only way through it was to make full use of the open bar.
Sacha was ensconced with Serena and Ric in the corner talking about the good old days. Jac would rather eat her own eyeballs and so it was she sat at the bar briefly chatting to colleagues as they made their orders. She kept stealing glances over at Fletch's table. It looked as though he was trying to fend off the young staff nurse but as midnight approached Jac felt it was inevitable that he would be kissing someone and she couldn't handle that, How was she ever going to handle it if he started seeing someone,
At five minutes to midnight Jac slid down off her stool and made her way outside, intending to slip home just after midnight
"Hey" said a voice behind her
"You look incredible Jac"
"Thanks. So do you" she said finally turning to face him
" I'm playing the part of Bernie Wolfe" he laughed "I suppose it beats sitting on me own with a takeaway and Big Ben on the telly"
"Where are the kids? "
"Nat's parents always have them over new year"
"Your erm late wife's parents"
"Yeah. Emma?"
"Always goes to Scotland with Jonny for Hogmanay"
10...9 ...8 ...7
The new year countdown
"Do you need to go back in to .your adoring public Fletch?"
"No. Do you?" he moved closer to her, not breaking eye contact
"No" she whispered
2... 1....
"Jac ..." he began
But he was silenced by Jac drawing him in for a passionate and hungry New Year kiss.

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