Izuku Midoriya ♡ part 1

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                      decided to use the vanilla boy for the first one, since he's cute and innocent

"Wait up Midoriya!" Y/n yelled as she ran after the small boy. He turned his head and smiled sweetly at her, 

"You're slow Y/n chan, you woke up late." the freckled boy said, amused. His friend huffed and caught up to him. 

"You didn't wake me up." she mumbled, "You've been waking me up every single day since the beginning of middle school and now you decide to just stop." she ran her fingers through her hair, "Is it because I need to be 'responsible' since we're training to become heroes?" 

Izuku shrugged, "Sort of. I also kind of woke up late too. I didn't have time to run over and wake you." Izuku Midoriya and Y/n L/n (last name) were neighbors, Y/n moved in next to Izuku in the beginning of their middle school years. She took pity on the boy, for being quirkless. Causing her to lose all of her promised popularity. Y/n had a soothing quirk. Able to change someone's mind if they were angry or sad. She had often used her quirk on Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku's childhood bully and friend, when he was bullying the green haired boy. All the more reason for Izuku to love and appreciate her. She thought of it as just "a favor" or "nothing, really" whenever she changed Katsuki's mood.

The two had similar goals on becoming heroes. They were extremely pleased when they got into Yuuei (UA) together. The duo have been attending the hero school for about a week now, and with every passing day. They grew closer. 

Y/n sat in her seat next to Midoriya, as their teacher lazily addressed the class, "Today we will be doing simple training." he glanced around the room. "With partners." Murmuring arose across the class. "You can go ahead and choose. But choose wisely. As you will be using your quirk on the other person." Katsuki's red eyes darted straight to Izuku with an evil grin. Y/n instinctively gripped Izuku's arm in alarm, she mouthed to the dirty blonde, 'No way, he's mine.' 

The sandy blonde just laughed to himself as he turned to listen to the rest of what Aizawa had to say.

Once they were released to go change into their fitness uniforms, Y/n looked over to Izuku, "We're going to be partners right?" she asked hopefully. The boy looked guilty, "A-about that," he nodded to Katsuki, who was already sauntering over to them. "Are you serious Izuku?" she gawked.  Izuku rubbed his arm, "I figured I could use my quirk on him, to practice." Y/n was about to protest about him not having a quirk, then she remembered that it had developed late. "Okay I guess," she said somewhat sadly.  Izuku waved with a nervous smile and met with Katsuki. Y/n sighed, who would she partner with that had an odd mood? She grinned and turned to Tokoyami, the peculiar bird looking boy who seemed to have an edgy vibe. Bingo, she thought as she approached him.

"Hey er, Fumikage?" she asked. The boy looked at her, "What is it? Aren't you partnering with MIdoriya?" his tone was blank, un-expressive. Y/n shrugged and tugged lightly at a strand of her h/c hair, "He needed a better partner to expand his quirk ability." Tokoyami nodded, "Our quirks are not compatible, if you were planning on asking me to partner with you." Y/n smiled, "They are, trust me." The beaked boy made a face of slight disbelief but nodded anyways, "If you really think so." 

END OF PART 1 AAA,,, I swear I'll write the other one soon <3 With the real Midoriya fluff!!

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