Jacks First Chance

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Jack was a normal horse in his days he loved grazing in the pastures his owners bred Race horses they thought he could never Race so turned him into the pasture he was happy there living his days he was a 4 year old who still loved to Run and Race the other horses but his Days of Dreaming to become a Race horse are shattered.

In the pasture he watched other horses come and go since he was a foal.

Jake Ran around the pasture he watched there best horse her name was Night Sky and there was Sky Lightning next to her it was her foal there training him to race because he will be the one running in the triple crown Race its the Longest distance race track ever ran before.

he was talented but had short breath.

jack watched them run Sky Lightning was just trampled his rider took a wrong step and went to close to Night Sky he fell off and sky lightning was trampled by his mother's hoofs Night Sky's Jockey pulled on the reins but was to late she ran over her foal they stopped, her rider jumped off her Back, the other Rider was already at Sky Lightnings Side he Broke a rib it should be fine said the jockey he was also a vet in his Spare time.

the owner walked up to them now who are we going to enter in the race we have no other horses sired by our last horse except jack but he cant run said the Owner  and we need one with the same blood line, well when was the last time you saw jack Run? asked one of the Jockeys

so long ago the lady answered but he cant be any better now she said i mean look at him he's 4 years old and, and the Jockey interrupted her he's got Great Speed The Looks of a champion and the Blood line of a champion and the Spirit of a lion he said i mean look at him he is the biggest horse I've ever seen and he is always watching us Ride on Race days i can see him looking over people at the Track watching every step of the race from what i see he is the best Race horse I've ever lied eyes on he has long distance speed and he's fast i can prove it let me Ride him if you still don't want him to Run after then its fine just look at him fist he pleaded

okay fine she said but if he's not fast enough then he's not Racing Sky Lightning was lead off the track the jockey heading towards him he opened the Pasture Gate hooked a lead to his halter and lead him out of the gate and closed the gate behind him Jack knew where they where going he watched many horses being lead into the barn he followed the jock as he put him in cross ties and tacked him up and mounted he was ridden onto the track jack head high had large strides and a more then ever beautiful coat his hair was as soft as silk

the owner nodded to the jockey and started timing him Jack took off with an extremely large burst of speed his Stride huge his jockey was surprised he probably expected it but not this much speed he finished the course in the flash of lightning his owner................

will his owner agree to let him race? will his fate end up like sky lightnings?

or will he be turned out to the pasture for the rest of his life?

Find out what happens in the next Chapter

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