10. Impacient

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Robin hissed as I poured alcohol on the cut, "Shh." I felt his eyes on me as I wrapped up his wound. "All better."

I locked into his intense gaze mistakingly, "You meant what you said?"

"Yes Robin. I mean it."

"Then marry me." My eyes gave off a confused look but it soon disappeared when I realized that he was dead serious.


"I said marry me. If you're not going to leave me then why wait?" His face stayed completely blank. He was waiting for me to crack emotion.

I smiled, "Robin, if I'm not going anywhere why rush things? How bout we try to get along first ?" I kissed his bandaged hand, "And if that was a proposal ...baby boy you'll have to do a little better than that."

That earned a smirk from him before I turned around to the counter across, "You know I will marry you though, right?"

"Yes Robin. I figured that out six years ago."

His hands ran down the front of my hips from where he stood behind me, "Run this time and I won't hesitate to lock you up," he harshly pressed himself into me causing a whimper to slip past my lips. "I like that sound cupcake."I almost let out another when his body left mine before he strolled out of the kitchen.

"Robin I need to go home to change," I called after him. He didn't answer so I finished picking up the first aid supplies then ventured after him. "Robin-"

"I heard you." He stood in the middle of the foyer typing away at his phone.

"Well.." I waited.

"Well," he mocked making me instantly roll my eyes, "My assistant is bringing you what you'll need."


He finally looked up from his phone, "Yeah babe?"

"Before you get too carried away let's remember that I have a job and can't just disappear into your quarters. I will have to go home at one point."

"Actually-" I shot him a look and he sighed, "Ok , I guess you do maybe have to go to your job."

"Yes," he played with a lock of my hair making my voice fade smaller, " and I will."

His deep eyes flicked from my hair to my lips, "That doesn't mean you can't live here with me."

Unintentionally, my tongue ran over my suddenly dry lips, "But Robin-"

"We'll talk about it later. You still seem a little tired maybe we should go lay down, " he pushed me in front of him and walked me up the stairs. When did Robin become so seductive and actually be extraordinarily good at it?

"I know what you're doing Robin," I chastised, "I like my condo."

"I mean it's really my condo as well as yours," his lips moved to my ear, "What if I don't want it anymore?"

I turned to look over my shoulder quickly, his hands were still on my waist, "You wouldn't."

"Do I really have to say I would?"

"Robin that's not fair," he kissed the side of my neck.

"I want you with me always cupcake."

I quickly faced him fully "Robin we have lives."

"Yeah so why can't we have lives together?" he looked at me seriously.

Letting out a sigh I began to think it over, "Let's hold that thought for a while and I'll think about it ok?"

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