4. Proud

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"So what's been up with you two?" Austin looked up after taking a bite of his burger.

"Same old same old ," I answered since Audrey was busy with chewing a forkful of her salad.

"Nothing new?" Austin looked at us like he expected something else, " Are you guys a-" I shook my head notifying him that that wasn't something to discuss right now. "I mean uhm Christmas. Yeah what are we doing for Christmas this year?"

Audrey and her dad normally came on Christmas vacation with our family. We were probably going to New York this year. "Dad said something about New York I think."

"Ooo, New York sounds fun! Excuse me, I need to go to the ladies room," I got up so she could scoot out of the booth.

"Hey cupcake." I looked at her with my arms resting on the table as I sat down.

She flashed me a wide smile, " Yes Robin?"

"I love you," she blushed brightly and walked away happily.

"Oh my God you're so whipped bro."

I looked at Austin lost, "Excuse me?"

"Robin you have been head over heels for Audrey since the minute I introduced you two. And you still aren't dating her?!"

"It's complicated."

"No I don't think it is. You need to make the move before she's gone."

I sighed frustrated," Austin it's really not that easy. She doesn't seem to understand I'm in love with her when I constantly show it. I constantly tell her I love her, I constantly pamper her, I constantly touch her, but yet she still doesn't give anything back. Her body shows she wants me but her mind ...its just blocked off and it's exhausting!"

"Bro I-"

"I fight for Audrey everyday but I always seem to fail. Four years now.I don't know what to do anymore man," I drug my hands down my face.

"Audrey just...she's...well she's just Audrey. She's different. We'll figure this out. I'm taking a break from college. Starting in the summer was not smart of me. But you will get Audrey. Trust me."

"I sure hope so. I love her so much."

"She's coming. We have some planning to do later though."

"Did you two miss me?" Audrey smiled as she pulled at my arm to get up.

"Of course," Austin and I answered.

We settled back in and had light talk.

"So Audrey."

"Yes Austin?" she laughed.

"Are you still toying with my little brothers heart strings?" a dark blush spread on her face.

"Austin," I grumbled.

"It's a good question !"

"No it's not," I turned to Audrey, "You don't have to answer that baby. " I kissed her forehead and glared at Austin.

"Both of you just hush," she laughed.

"Fine fine, but I honestly don't understand why you two aren't dating," Audrey took a sip of her drink, looking away. I don't know why but it really pissed me off.

"Audrey refuses to admit her feelings is all."

"Robin," she looked up at me begging me not to go there.

"No Audrey why don't you explain why I'm not good enough."

"Robin please stop."

"Just as fucking usual, you going to avoid the conversation." Austin sat there wide eyed. "You know Audrey. One day I'm going to give up and you won't have to worry about me bothering you anymore." I stood up from the table, "I've lost my appetite." I stormed out of the restaurant.

AudreyWhere stories live. Discover now