Chapter 5

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As the school bell rang, (Y/n) proceeded to pack up her textbook and notes. She had waited anxiously for the school day to come to a close, and it had finally come after eight dreaded hours.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Someone asked her. She turned around to see Yugi and Jounouchi looking at her. Yugi's amethyst eyes were filled with concern while Jounouchi's were filled with a kind of ..... Triumph? She wasn't too sure.

"Have you noticed any strange behaviour with Anzu?" Yugi squeaked. "I know you two are close so I was just wondering if..." He trailed off, as if he'd already gotten his answer.

"Has she been acting lustrous lately?" Jounouchi barged in, grinning a mischievous smile.

Yugi whipped around to glare at the blonde boy. "How many times must I try to tell you?!" He exclaimed. "Anzu would never act like that!"

" Oh, come on Yugi! It's plain obvious!" Jounouchi argued. (Y/n) sighed. " I agree with Yugi on this one. Anzu isn't 'lustrous'. In fact, I don't think there's anything wrong with Anzu. She might just be worried about the criminal on the loose," she reasoned.

Jounouchi looked rebellious, while Yugi flinched at her words in a sort of realization. (Y/n) slung her bag over her shoulder, and headed towards the classroom's exit.


(Y/n) sat at a bench by herself, looking through the menu. Anzu had welcomed her, though treated her like she would for any other customer. She's really good at her job, she thought, delighted.

Suddenly, she saw Anzu storming towards her seat, bringing two people behind her. She was smiling, though it was the kind of fake smile that she made when she was pissed. And (Y/n) could see why.

What?! Did Yugi and Jounouchi follow me?! (Y/n) thought, angry at them and herself for not being more cautious.

"Here's your seat," Anzu said, motioning to where (Y/n) was sitting. She was giving the three of them a death glare. Without a word, both boys sat down, Yugi sitting beside her while Jounouchi sitting across from them.

As soon as Anzu left, (Y/n) glared angrily at Jounouchi. " Was this your idea?" She hissed under her breath. "You shouldn't have come!"

"Take it easy, (Y/n). We just wanted to see if Anzu was okay," Yugi hushed her, looking nervous. "But you have a point. Maybe we shouldn't have come,"

"Don't be ridiculous, Yug!" The blonde exclaimed. "Besides, why's (Y/n) here? Do you know about this?" He asked.

(Y/n) gulped. " I just found out yesterday," she confessed. "They asked me to come and 'rate their services'. You know, like give them tips and stuff."

Yugi nodded, while Jounouchi made a Hmm sound. " Typical Honda," he muttered under his breath.

The three of them grew quiet until Anzu slammed their tray of burgers onto the table. Yugi looked at Anzu with frightened eyes while Jounouchi simply looked startled. (Y/n) on the other hand, looked at Anzu with confusion.

If she would trust me with her secret, why not Yugi and Jounouchi? (Y/n) thought.

The brunette girl picked up a bottle of ketchup, and began pouring all over the burgers. "Here, have some ketchup," she said. Upon closer inspection, (Y/n) realized that Anzu had spelled out a message: TELL AND YOU DIE.

Yu-Gi-Oh Season 0: Nyctophobia ( Yami X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now