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A figure glanced around as they slipped past the few guards that were supposed to be watching the cave's entrance. It hadn't been easy to be able to get them out of the way without raising any suspicion. They were trained very well. Contrary to popular belief, the Unsuitable Royals were not unintelligent. Unfortunately for them, they had no idea what was coming.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Deep down inside the cave, a stream of water steadily dripped down a row of ancient clocks that lay, undisturbed. They were clean despite the last person having touched them had done so just  under eight decades ago. A green mist swirled around each clock, making the surrounding air heavy.

The hands of each clock quickly spun in opposing directions, never showing any specific time.

The figure unravelled an ebony staff from their cloak as a sense of excitement ran through them. Finally, they would see if all of their efforts would work. The figure carefully tapped one the clocks, a blue one with a crown on it. The Spade Queen's clock let out a soft glow and the figure quickly placed the staff behind the clock before stepping back against one of the walls, hidden by the shadows.

Suddenly, the green mist imploded with a loud Boom that shook the very foundation of the cavern. The mist swirled around the clocks at an unimaginable speed, growing denser every second.

Then, silence. The mist immediately stopped spinning. It dissolved into the air as if it had never existed. The room was mostly unchanged; there was only one difference.

A faded figure flickered into view. She flexed her fingers and rolled her shoulders. A ghastly wound in her stomach slowly closed up until only a gruesome scar remained. The ghostly woman floated over to the still clocks and placed her hands on them. They slowly adjusted to fit the correct time.

She lifted her arms as they crackled with energy.

She peered at the figure that stood aside, watching her as she finally solidified and reached behind the clocks to grab the staff that lay there. She quickly spun and point the staff that now sparked with power.

"Who are you? How did you do this?" She demanded.

The figure slowly smiled. She felt shivers run down her spine. "Your majesty, we have been waiting for a very long time."

"Majesty?" She frowned. That sounded familiar...

The figure's smile widened. "Yes. Your complete title is Amelia VI The Queen Of Spades."

She glanced down at the Spade tattooin her right palm. Queen of sounded right, but something felt off...

The figure's eyes widened as he heard the guards outside start to shout. They weren't supposed to be conscious yet. Something had gone wrong. Ignoring the Queen's protests, the figure grabbed her hand and started to chant.

"Let me go! Who are you anyways?"

The figure frowned at her as they continued to chant. A bright light seemed to fill the cave. The protective wards tried to stop the intruders from leaving, but it was too late.

Queen Amelia narrowed her eyes at the other figure. The other person looked familiar, it was just on the tip of her tongue...

"Who are you?" Queen Amelia demanded.

The figure let out a laugh. Right before they teleported out of the cave, the figure turned to her and said,

"I'm Queen Anya VIII Of Clubs. It's been a long time since I've seen you."

-Madsinator (11/09/18)

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